![]() Aug 16 2004, 3:43 pm
I have read this commonly known pixel tortuial, but I'm still have trouble with side views with my charater. Do you know any other tortuials/help I could get? I will ATTEMPT(not neccecarilly show) you what I was working on. Thank you to all who have read.
![]() Aug 17 2004, 12:03 pm
Bump. Sorry.
There aren't any tutorials I could show you, but here are a few tips to create side views:
1. Remember that most human heads are close to spherical. As such, the number of pixels in width and height shouldn't change, only the position of eyes, nose, hair, etc. 2. The same above rule applies to hands, arms, and legs; they should almost retain their height, slightly smaller or larger width, and placed in the same area it was last (in the arm socket, etc.) 3. Simply adding a few pixels in the wanted direction can make feet face the side. |