The BYOND Community is made up of many, very different sub-communities though. Most likekly what a lot of people complain about, are the people who inhabit the BYOND forum community. Merciless is likely complaining about communities such as some of the unpublished communities or something like the proelium community.
I don't see your point. It is still the community based around BYOND itself.
Albeit that most of the places you mentioned, you couldn't swing a hammer without hitting a troll, it's still part of BYOND, like it or not. |
Too many people play BYOND for the community. There needs to be more hard-core players out there who play BYOND. This is a good reason people need to start making large-scale games instead of month-long projects. This is the reason why, already, 3 of the games I have finished have a beginning, a full story that walks you through the game, and an end. This makes them my large-scale projects, and the people who typically play them are real game players.
Games like Icon Chatterz contain about 98% idiots... Well, those are mostly the people who only get on for the community. Not that all of those people are bad, it's just they are USUALLY the bad ones because they aren't playing games for the game. |
It's part of BYOND, but people need to learn that that isn't the only community BYOND has. BYOND has a diverse community, well, you don't see tons of complete newbies sitting in Chatters for hours, why? Because they don't know that community, so they go and find a community with lots of new people in it.
As an example, there is a very large difference between the people who play my SD game and the people who play Dragonball Zeta, wouldn't you say? Those are two seperate communities. I'm not saying BYOND isn't a community, people just need to learn not to judge BYOND based off of what they see in Icon Chatterz, or trolls in the forum, etc. |
Agreed about Icon Chatterz. They honestly think that someone trading them an icon gives them the right to trade it to another person. I've seen a lot of stolen icons on that game. And as I was an administrator for a while... I learned quick that the best way to get rid of the trolls was to ban the host, of course, it wasn't the smartest move either, and was rather mean.
I love it when you ban someone for bug abuse an you get a huge pager message basically just insulting your sexuality... as though that has anything to do with it. |
Of course, you could also just stick with the "If you don't like it, don't use it" responce...
1.) You had a reason for posting this. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted it.
2.) I think that this is enough of ranting about BYOND. |
I don't. Let him rant, he probably had a bad experience. So long as he isn't in violation of the community standards, he is entitled to post here. If anything, this post is going to get closed sooner or later because someone is going to flame him, and not because he was commenting poorly on BYOND.
The community isn't perfect, and he has pointed out some valid arguments about portions of it. But if you tell him to shut up, you are kind of proving him correct. In other communities, if you insult the devteam of the project, you will be banned by the staff. Here, if I told Dan or Tom in a polite manner not violating community standards, I doubt they'd do a whole heck of a lot. BYOND is great. This is a perfect environment for game programming. If he doesn't like it, let him rant, just prove him wrong with your opinion. |
-The forums would be strictly moderated and anything anti-me would be censored. -Filters on key names/words typed into any BYOND-related program would be put in place. -BYOND would be changed to LAWAPE, or "Let's All Worship And Praise Elation". |
I've tried many of those myself also, and the only reason I don't want to leave is because I want a dream like anyone else. Whether i'm hated or not.
I've been trying to make a large scale game, and there just isn't anyone intrested in that kind of production. No one wants to put months and months, or even years into a project. I do. Understand this. Right now i'm programming full time in my game that is now in my idle bin again. I am not even a programmer, I just know some things. I work on everything but programming.
Kaga-Kami wrote:
I've been trying to make a large scale game, and there just isn't anyone intrested in that kind of production. No one wants to put months and months, or even years into a project. I do. I'll work with you. |
Ter13 wrote:
I don't. Let him rant, he probably had a bad experience. So long as he isn't in violation of the community standards, he is entitled to post here. If anything, this post is going to get closed sooner or later because someone is going to flame him, and not because he was commenting poorly on BYOND. Yes its a great proggaming language, but i think what turns a lot of people off is the fact that its tiled based and it lacks graphic effects and features. Im pretty sure they still use bitblt for drawing things when they should be using opengl or directx so we can use a larger amount of effects and also have smooth rendering. |
...but i think what turns a lot of people off is the fact that its tiled based... pfft- BYOND can do pixel-based movement just fine. it's just that hardly anyone takes advantage of it yet. |
I really liked a lot of games, but they are full of idiots. I've seen people leave on thier FIRST day here. I'm not flamning BYOND, I'm flaming the community. There's too many communities with no common sense, and too many "UR A NOOB" "OMG UR A NOOB U SUK" people. If the community at all does improve, may I be struck by lightning.
All communities have that, if you want to escape that kind of behaviour, take your modem/router/whatever, tear it out of your computer/wall/whatever, and throw it out your window.
True, and as for OpenGL, that's been mentioned. Directx is an AWFUL idea because part of BYOND's greatness is it's multi-platformability... If our BYOND games were all hosten on windows... It'd be CHAOS.
Merciless Warrior wrote:
I really liked a lot of games, but they are full of idiots. I've seen people leave on thier FIRST day here. I'm not flamning BYOND, I'm flaming the community. There's too many communities with no common sense, and too many "UR A NOOB" "OMG UR A NOOB U SUK" people. If the community at all does improve, may I be struck by lightning. Eh. The community is what you make of it. Just because it's chock full of losers doesn't mean you have to hang around them or suffer unduly from their influence. Don't like them? Don't hang around games they frequent, or make sure you only join games hosted by somebody who doesn't take any crap. Civics matters. You can improve the community by active participation in making it better. Or, you can complain about it. Lummox JR |
I use BYOND because it is an awsome tool not for the community. This even shows since I've been using it since before there was a community :P.