this is why I'm taking the remove talking aproach with my game, if you want to talk take it to pagers! :)
[sarcasm]Or... you could filter every word but "hi", "bye", "yes", "no", and some simple verbs and nouns. plus names. Make it a caveman game, and unfilter "ungh", and "carve wheel with bone!"[/sarcasm]
removing talking is an awful idea. Part of network games is communication. |
well I'm actually not completely removing it. I'm just making it so that in order to chat, you have to send messangers from town to town... which can be killed along the way, and you have to pay the messangers.
This I hope will do the following - Keeping personal attacks, stupidity comments, etc... down to an extreme low. Keep people only sending things that need to be said and keeping the bad stuff to the pager. Making the messages that you do send to someone worth a damn. Did I mention no spam? Lets just see how it turns out :) |
depends on the game. i could see how it could work just fine. most games don't need chat commands, though it comes in handy just to make the game one big chatroom, so that people will hang out in the game even if they don't feel like playing so much.
a lot of people seem to take the "if you don't like it, don't do it approach". "if you don't like a game, don't play it", "if you dont like BYOND, dont use it", etc. so, if you don't like the negative effects that chat commands can have, dont have them =) |
This is good, I agree with the no OOC channel, but you are going to end up with what SS13 is boiled down to. people are going to say crap like this: "((lol!))"
I ban people for doing that in Space Station 13. It's wrong, stupid, and is not acceptable. |
Civics matters. You can improve the community by active participation in making it better. Or, you can complain about it. Well, at least he did one. |
While you are at it, lock all your doors, board up your windows, and hide in the closet in the middle of your house. Why? Because the whole world is like that. There are morons, most of them have some power which they shouldn't, and the are smart people, who normaly have less power. Why? The stupid people out number the smart people.
In my upcomming game, I have it so you can only talk to people close to you, or through stuff like walkie-talkies (spelling?). You can hear people from a bit afar, though their voices aren't too understandable.
Overall, OOC and shout are usually what can be thrown away in a game, and it can help the game only attract real gameplayers... Although some games that can really hurt newbies that like to socialize and you won't get anyone new. |
Heh, you could make talking more like the "give" command in some games. You know, you offer an object to someone, and they get a popup asking if they want to receive it. Instead, you offer a conversation to someone, and they decide if they want to respond, not respond, or ignore you. If they respond, then an instant messenger style box opens and the two of you can have a conversation. Add in some way to invite others to the conversation and you're all set!
Of course, doing that with BYOND might be difficult, and adding support for multiple conversations at once might be difficult, but I'll leave that up to someone who actually wants to build it. |
to add to the list:
people that post in classified ads and say something like "so what are you going to do?" when someone asks for help. they thought of the idea, at least. if you dont want to help, then don't. people that force their own bad habits on others, generally coding habits. also, when people discourage others from making their "net dream". who said a "net dream" had to be 100% original? people that cannot argue well, but still love to argue. |
Kunark wrote:
In my upcomming game, I have it so you can only talk to people close to you, or through stuff like walkie-talkies (spelling?). You can hear people from a bit afar, though their voices aren't too understandable. That's almost exactly the approach I'm taking with my not-upcoming-any-time-soon MMORPG. You can talk to people in a standard view radius, plus one square, as normal. (So you can eavesdrop without being in view.) People a little bit outside that distance hear a garbled version (random words cut out and replaced with ellipses). Further away than that and you can't hear the conversation at all. If you want to talk over longer distances, you have a few options; you can use walkie-talkie-like devices (you did spell that right, by the way), you can use a public message board, or you can hire a courier (either a professional messenger or a street kid; but guess which one is more secure). Why so many options? Because information is actually valuable in the game; you can buy it, sell it, steal it, and so on. Some options are cheaper but less secure; others are more secure, but expensive. It all depends how much care you're willing to take. I haven't actually implemented any of this yet, by the way. ;-D |
digitalmouse wrote:
...but i think what turns a lot of people off is the fact that its tiled based... No Keydown feature yet, only a browser based keydown, up system has been made, the movement is not exactly smooth |
Critical wrote:
digitalmouse wrote: not sure what keydown/up features have to do with pixel-based movement, but i thought that EbonShadows PixelMovement moved pretty smoothly. |
not sure what keydown/up features have to do with pixel-based movement, but i thought that EbonShadows PixelMovement moved pretty smoothly. Lack of a way to handle client eye pixel offsets client side kills the ability to scroll smoothly :P. |
Merciless Warrior wrote:
-People call each other noob. It's not even an insult anymore. Sounds to me like you made a hack threat on a Zeta rip, then were called a noob, so you called them a noob and got banned by the host, and came here to post this and relieve(sp) your anger. But that's just my assumption. |
I have Say, in my game.
But Wsay (to the world, or y'know, whatever you like to call it), costs you money. Not a massive amount, but an amount to stop spammers. A bit. |
Make a filter that auto-kicks anyone for the following:
- Saying," n00b" (Or any other form of it, there are many) - Claiming that they will hack you. (Using words,"hack" (Also, there are many others, (Hax,hax0rs,etc)) - Screaming out ," LAG LAG SO MUCH DAMN LAG OMG!" - Saying any cuss word in any form. - As for the banning thing, don't hire anyone to be GM, just yourself. KThx. |
There's too many communities with no common sense, and too many "UR A NOOB" "OMG UR A NOOB U SUK" people.
Hey, don't put yourself down so much...