just wondering how many people on Would actually Try a kingdom hearts game on byond? is it worth the time im spending to make one?
You should make games you want to play.

Considering KH's popularity, I'd say it'd do well if it was good.
B-mut wrote:
just wondering how many people on Would actually Try a kingdom hearts game on byond? is it worth the time im spending to make one?

The concept of Kingdom Hearts is to create a grand narrative using beloved characters. Why use the same grand narrative that they use, rather than your own -- and why use their same characters?

I think that the concept is great and would be well-received by BYONDers, but I know for sure you'll get more credit as an artist and more players if you create a unique concept inspired by Kingdom Hearts, rather than attempt to recreate that game itself.
In response to Ryan P
So your saying that while it would be a good idea to create a game based on the series. it would be better to create an original story line to go along with my game..

thats a pretty good idea ill have to bring that up to my team tonight
I somewhat don't care if it's fan game or not. If it's not rip, and fun to play, I would play it
In response to Ripiz
well as youll see pretty soon its fun to play and i can GUARENTEE you its not a rip in any way. i did all this from scratch..