Bleach Eternity

by Falacy
Bleach Eternity
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
Why do you get so minor exp,

the deady teady quest you reciveded only a minor 1000 exp for it, and being level 30 that seems to minor and the man who gives you those quests give you another that you receive only 1500, Falacy was this a accident or on purpose
On purpose...? How could it be on accident? Level 30's need what 40k Exp to level? That's not a lot levels higher that like 45 take more than 100k Exp so ya. Please don't complain the game is easy to level in just train.
In response to The Great Sabin
I was only mildly complaining, the levels 20 quests receive 5-10K exp if i recall while the higher level ones receive less? I just thinks that's weird, and if your gonna whine about me asking a question on a fourm then you can not reply to it? and instead just give me a decent reply
In response to W1ndswords
The reason is because those quests used to be done when teddys were at around level 17 and the new quest values haven't been updated yet for the new level of the monsters.