With the holiday it's a short week, so there isn't a whole lot to talk about, but the work continues.
Most of this week has been focused on 515 button-up, like bug fixes and some late Byondapi improvements. For the latter, I'm looking into adding some more functionality for list management, especially a function for reading an associative list in one shot instead of reading the individual indexes. But I haven't been able to do much more than miscellany because of the short time frame, so that's why I'm sticking with small stuff for the moment.
The bigger news will come after Thanksgiving of course, and I'm hoping sooner rather than later to move 515 out of beta. Inasmuch as 516 is already underway, it seems like it's time to get on with that. I'm working on 516 features beyond WebView2, but I want to get the early 516 features into a stable position so I can hopefully push out some alphas for testing during December.
Big thanks as ever to all the BYOND Members and donors who make this work possible. I appreciate all of you and I'm excited for what I can bring you soon.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! As always I'll be live-blogging the parade in the morning, so hop over if you're up for a bit of weird fun. I hope you all enjoy the weekend, and I'll be back next week for more.
Nov 22 2023, 10:43 am