The Messenger: Will quickly dash next to its target, after which is deals standard damage.
The Parted: These zombies have had their bottom halves blown off and drag themselves around. Despite that; they move very fast, but deal very little damage and can't latch on. Being on the ground makes them a harder target to hit.
The Lonely: Nobody likes this poor hobo of a zombie, and he just wants a friend. He deals no damage, but once it grabs on to you it doesn't let go.
The Starved: Very skinny which lowers your chance to hit it, when it attacks you it gains HP. They also won't bother with attacking barricades/doors/windows/etc, if there is a path to a human target they will take it.
The Hidden: These zombies are invisible except for a short period after attacking. Also only attack human targets. This zombie can walk through walls and most other obstacles while hidden.
The Diseased: These zombies move in a cloud of infection, just getting near them will be enough to infect you. If it isn't killed with fire the infection will spread and infect everyone in range.
The Armed: Military personnel recently turned zombie, they still wield machine guns.
The Invincible: Wearing heavy body armor; bullets will just bounce off of these zombies, hitting other nearby zombies or even players. Must be killed with precise melee strikes or fire.
The Exhausted: These zombies have to stop and catch their breath after every few steps, but if they ever do reach you they will exterminate you in a single attack.
The Stand Alone: Standard speed, insanely high HP, and enough attack power to down you in one strike. Once downed they will lose interest in you.
Jan 5 2010, 9:04 pm (Edited on Jan 8 2010, 9:44 pm)
In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote:
you could make normal zombies turn into parted zombies when hit by a shotgun at close range? Too many icons! Plus AI redirection maybe. Originally I had the game planned so you could shoot off all of the limbs of a zombie separately, but it never happened... TOO MANY ICONS. Surely the fact there will be an obvious blank spot surrounded by zombies slowly moving towards you will give you a tip off? However, I think this in reverse could be fairly awesome, they are seen untill they get within 3-2 spaces of you, and thus you must keep your distance Its not really all that common for you to be so swarmed with zombies that a gap would be noticeable, except during the raids. And I could always just make it so the hidden could walk through other zombies. And the opposite way could also be possible I suppose, but these are somewhat designed to be player-classes. I guess either could work. *some various other replies that I don't feel like typing* This looks like a sign of work from Falacy on Paradise City again! Huraah! I've already done this so far: 01-04-10 -Version 3.92 -Animated Water -Added Global Mute Systems -Added Various Chat Filters -Added Subscriber Font Color -Added Subscriber Name Color -Added Colony Stocks Systems -Added New Houses in the Colony -Added New Command Post Functions -Added Skills: Class Upgrade A, Class Upgrade B, Explosive Upgrade -Changed the Black Brick Turf Icons -Changed Auto Reload onto Shot Fired -Disabled Evac Choppers -Darkened the Lighting Effects -Minor Tweaks to Various Systems -Removed the Island Command Post -Removed Alpha Transparency from the MiniMap -SWAT Troopers will now Announce Casualties -Removed Skills: Swim, Hot Wire -Subscriptions will now Automatically Apply -Zombies will now Raid a Random CP each Night |
In response to Falacy
add latch on resistance for level up each point put into it decreases the time zombies latch on to u
In response to Falacy
Make it able to play zombie class. So you can choose type of zombie you wrote above.
Add score points so zombie or humans can win. Auto balanced teams so it wont be 1 human vs 50 zombies and game will pwn :P |
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
I've already done this so far: --YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Winwinwinwin What happened to you Falacy? You remembering to take your coffee each morning! You're fun and awesome again! |
In response to Durth
Durth wrote:
Auto balanced teams so it wont be 1 human vs 50 zombies Considering both sides have AI support it should be balanced regardless. Rushnut wrote: What happened to you Falacy? You remembering to take your coffee each morning! You're fun and awesome again! I update games all the time, not my fault if they're ones you don't play. Maybe if you gave some decent ideas every once in a while I'd bother updating them. Instead of just ADD TANKS, ADD MORE CARS, ADD MORE GUNS, MAKE THE MAP BIGGER *countless other crap that wouldn't actually improve the gameplay at all*. If I'm bored of a game I'm not going to bother updating it unless I get some new ideas that might actually make it interesting again. |
In response to Falacy
Hey! I never give ideas like that. Look again! All my posts are new and unique ideas, nothing like MOAH GUNZ THA MAEK FINGZ GO BOOM LUTZ
Zombie counts (50), there will always be this number of said zombies on the map at all times:
7 Messenger 10 Parted 5 Lonely 10 Starved 5 Diseased 5 Armed 3 Invincible 3 Exhausted 2 Stand Alone If a player joins the zombie team they'll be able to take control of any special zombie on the map that isn't already being controlled. If a subscriber wants to control a full zombie class they can boot out a non-sub. |
In response to Falacy
Have I said I love you yet? If not I fucking love you :D |
Micheal jackson: He has the ability to moonwalk to his prey, and he also#s spawns 6 zombies whilst doing the Thriller dance. :3
In response to Devilcrow666
In response to Nelson745
Nels, post in the HU section...
Nice idea, will they have decreased HP? It seems like the weak-but fast kind of NPC.
Great Idea! But perhaps, and I think you knew someone would say this, you could make normal zombies turn into parted zombies when hit by a shotgun at close range?
I hope you don't mean litterally, doesn't let go, but just has a very long grab time, if so, Awesome! else boo.
When it you attacks? English boy! Anyway, This is one of the best of the 10 in my opinion!
Surely the fact there will be an obvious blank spot surrounded by zombies slowly moving towards you will give you a tip off? However, I think this in reverse could be fairly awesome, they are seen untill they get within 3-2 spaces of you, and thus you must keep your distance
EPIC! DO IT NOW! No flaws in this whatsoever, it adds more attraction to using fire, and it is generally just plan epic.
Nay, I say. I dislike this idea rather alot, however, if instead-
The Specialist: Military Personnel revently turned zombie, they will destroy non human targets far faster than other zombies
Fire includes Explosives? Aye! I agree with this then.
Nay, that's one thing I think should not be added to any kind of game, a one hit KO NPC. If instead they could jump, instead of walk, then rest, this could be epic. Jump over 1-4 tiles, 4 preferably but if there is a target closer, or no other place to jump, then hop less tiles.
I thought AWESOME at first, then I re read it, I thought it saw Slow Speed, Insanely high HP, and will kill you if downed instantly, but do not pay much attention to you if not downed. I say Aye to this version, but Nay to yours.
This looks like a sign of work from Falacy on Paradise City again! Huraah!
Good Luck Man!