Paradise City

by Falacy
Welcome, to the last city on Earth.
ID:292406 (Xdarkxxnessx) (Falco Soldier, Falacy, and Xdarkxxnessx)

If you want to be in a fan art picture, catch me on Paradise City. Or if you have msn add me at [email protected]

Go to it to see my creation i did (full view)

Alright, if you want to be in a drawing say this :

Hi Dark. I want you to draw Batman Head, with any body.

The people i want in this photo is: no one

Type of gun i want is : Ak-47

The whether or time i want is : Rain and Sunrise

Like that
Falacy Has Six Packs !!!!! O.O LOL
In response to DarkHus
Lol i know but eh. Army men are Buff so yeah Fox's request

Xdarkxxnessx beepin the CAR!
Hi dark, i want some one with a pink haired female? With the RL and possibly in the Raining sunlight? :3