Paradise City

by Falacy
Welcome, to the last city on Earth.
Remember the good days on paradise city...
When people would sit in the main room... staring at the t.v..
oh the porn...
soo good...
o so gewd times.
I stopped playing around the time Falacy took my pr0n.
In response to Andyextreme42king
ikr! i vote the porn comes back :D!
In response to SuperGoku25
Falacy is a pervert on the inside. He wants to act "mature" :p by taking out the pr0n. Bring pr0n back Falz, we knowz you love it. :D

In response to Andyextreme42king
he talks bout porn in general disscussion just no where else on the forum
In response to SuperGoku25
Goku, he was porn a pervert, he grew up as a pervert, he still IS a pervert. :0
In response to Andyextreme42king
yea xD
In response to SuperGoku25
He might bring the pr0n back if it attracts more perverted BYOND players to his game :0
In response to Andyextreme42king
Okay I'm one.
<- 24 years so! :P
In response to DarkHus
lol Hus, you are a old man compared to me :0


Falacy should add a PEDO-BEAR ZOMBIE! :D

We should have a pr0n strike!He might bring it back :p