We're properly into the new year now, and holy crap is it cold.

The 516 beta has been proceeding pretty well. I had to make a relatively big change to the way pixloc works, but after a bit of a hiccup when making the initial change, it seems to be all right now. Actually my most pressing issues presently are holdovers from 515, although there's apparently a problem with how the bound_x/y changes impact isometric mode, so that will need some addressing as well.

Hopefully the remaining bug fixes slow down enough that 516 can be fast-tracked into the stable channel, considering it spent so long in alpha. I have plans for 517 already and while I've gotten partially started on them, that's been little more than getting a test bed folder set up and a couple of very minor changes.

At some point I'd like to divert a little attention to web foo, because now that 516 is here it's possible to start de-crufting things of IE's pernicious influence. But, web foo also takes away from software foo, and gear changes between the two can be jarring, so it's the kind of thing I'd want to approach in small pieces.

As ever, thanks so much to the BYOND Members and regular supporters who make this work possible. I'm very grateful to you all.

Next week, hopefully I can thaw out a little. The tree is not coming down yet, but I might get ambitious and take it down in January. That would actually be a first.
The most recent release feels quite stable. Enjoying 516 and Im never going back.