
by Magnus VI
A Dragon Warrior game meant for roleplaying. Build, and then roleplay! Please do not join unless you truly wish to role play.
Players are allowed to build, but when Role Play mode is enabled, the server is locked (new players may not join) and build privileges are taken away.

Currently, roleplay made has had hunger and thirst added in, and if you do not watch your hunger and thirst, and replenish it with food, weird thing will happen( evil smile ).

With the current building system, a large amount of trust is placed on the players, and if you join, I hope that you will respect the game and other players by not spamming with the build system.

Join, and have fun!

BYOND staff, this game is not the same as the old DW chat game I had up. I recreated this game from scratch. I do not have any desire to publish this, and I really only made this game for my good BYOND friends who had always enjoyed role playing on my old chat game. Therefore, please do not delete my hub entry as a rip, it is not!