PathWrath 2

by ACWraith
PathWrath 2
Card creatures monopolize land. Invade or pay the toll.
You can gain in-game benefits in PathWrath 2 and other games through Fooldom Come!

This is a card/board game with asynchronous turns. Here are the basics:
  • Resources are gained by passing castles and earning tolls.
  • Land is claimed by placing card creatures, which cost resources.
  • When a player lands on a space owned by an opponent, the player must either pay a toll (consisting of resources and points) or successfully complete a card battle invasion.
  • Victory points are gained by owning land and earning tolls.
  • Pass a castle with enough victory points and you win!

Differences from the original PathWrath include:
  • The ability for players to start games without host-assigned staff.
  • Various graphical and interface upgrades.
  • Streamlined card events with timings that are easy to follow.
  • The free ability to make entire decks of cards!
  • Point distribution instead of static classes for subscribers.
this is a cool game\