if you read this YOU FAIL!! HAHA!


Lige wrote:
Says the guy with 14 unfinished projects >.>

at least ive finished a project and kept it for more then 2 weeks :P
Lige wrote:
Yami_ace wrote:
Lige wrote:
Says the guy with 14 unfinished projects >.>

at least ive finished a project and kept it for more then 2 weeks :P

psh, i'm almost there. Then again, my project wont be finished cause your lazy ass wont icon >.>

art takes time,and at least i dont code a soucre >delete then again and again
Lige wrote:
Yami_ace wrote:
art takes time,and at least i dont code a soucre >delete then again and again

nah, i still have them saved up somewhere, but each one pwns the other one, making them useless. Kinda like that time I told you it was useless to stop me as I was nailing your sister
(true story people, she WAS tight until we had our 2 kids)

ur sick you know that?
Lmfao,get a life you sad wanker,and wow you put "failure" your good anit ya,you know ur such a keyboard warrior lmfao,get a life
Yami_ace wrote:
Lmfao,get a life you sad wanker,and wow you put "failure" your good anit ya,you know ur such a keyboard warrior lmfao,get a life

I love how consistent your insults are. And yet again, none of them make sense. How many times are you going to "lmfao" at your own jokes?
The "lmfao" are at you,not my own joke's idiot,and none make sense,is that becasue you an idiot? who doesnt understand ?
Yami_ace wrote:
The "lmfao" are at you,not my own joke's idiot,and none make sense,is that becasue you an idiot? who doesnt understand ?

No, it's because I don't speak moron.
well thats quite funny reallly,have you looked in the mirror lately guess not? your the fucking moron
Yami_ace wrote:
well thats quite funny reallly,have you looked in the mirror lately guess not? your the fucking moron

You don't look in a mirror to determine somebody's intelligence, moron. You've just further proved my point.
are you really that stuipd? that you take a insult and get the worng fucking point? and no shit you dont say? and mate,you just proving my point that your an idiot
Yami_ace wrote:
are you really that stuipd? that you take a insult and get the worng fucking point? and no shit you dont say? and mate,you just proving my point that your an idiot

Okay, well I'm just going to stop continuing this ignorance fest. As I said earlier, I don't speak with the mentally ill.
come fucking say that to my face? oh...wait... i forget your a fag
Yami_ace wrote:
come fucking say that to my face? oh...wait... i forget your a fag

Come say it to your face? I don't hit minor's.
Lmfao,sorry but come on... that's the best you got? that's just sad..
Yami_ace wrote:
Lmfao,sorry but come on... that's the best you got? that's just sad..

Best I have? I'm just stating a fact. Everything isn't a joke, you moron.
Since,when did i say everything is a joke hey? or is that another sgin that your the moron?
Yami_ace wrote:
Since,when did i say everything is a joke hey? or is that another sgin that your the moron?

You saying "lmfao" and "that's the best you got?" kind of gives it away.
not really. and im really gonna put effort in to some shitty comment war on this site witch over the past 2-3year's has slowly died and fucked up more and more ..yeah so worth it
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