This is more of a problem which I'm trying to actually find. When I walk around in my game, I actually become short of where I wish to stand. I'll actually stop like there's a dense block before I reach a wall etc. Normally it should underlay, and my character can stand infront of it. However, it's not allowing me to move up that space. Any known issues similar to this?

Honestly that made no sense really..

Try giving a code example so we can see if anything is wrong.

Also might be best to check your map :P
I can't really give an example of the code.

I'll show a screen shot, and explain....


See? I'm trying to actually get closer to the wall and it won't allow me to do so.

Here's the coding for the walls:

icon_state = "HospitalWall1"
layer = 2
icon_state = "HospitalWall2"
layer = 2
icon_state = "HospitalWall3"
layer = 2
icon_state = "HospitalWall4"
layer = 2
icon_state = "HospitalWall5"
layer = 2
icon_state = "HospitalWall6"
layer = 2

I am assuming that something is blocking the way something dense if you created the game you should know that it probably has blank dense turf's or object's in the way.

Tip .. right click on that spot in the map editor and have a look what is lying at the location.
Nothing is there. I've checked it, and just did it again to make sure.
I've looked over the coding, and absolutely everything. The only assumption is there must be a larger error thats effecting something.
Make sure you didn't override any movement procs such as Move(), Enter(), Entered() etc to block a mob from entering a specific tile.

Also, what is the bound_width and bound_height of your mob and the wall?