So I decided that rather than plug and play a library, I would try to create my own mini library for sorting associated lists. Here's my creation:

    OrganizeNumbers(list/AS) //Associated List to sort by Associated Values
world << "ERROR: No list."
world << "Organizing numbers..."
list/TempCount[] = list()
i = 1
Comparer //Value to be compared to the list with
h //Holder. Holds the index of the Comparer for reference later
while(Count.len > 0)
if(i > AS.len)
TempCount[AS[h]] = AS[AS[h]]
i = 1
Comparer = AS[AS[i]]
h = i
var/b = AS[AS[i]]
if(Comparer < b)break
AS[TempCount[b]] = TempCount[TempCount[b]]
world << "List reorganized!"

It works great, but I wondered if my peers might have more efficient ideas or concepts?
An associated value can be non-numeric, can't it?

What happens if you put a mixed list into this?

What about a list of strings?


Some sort of modality to determine how to sort would be awesome, too. For example, ascending/descending numeric, ascending/descending text etc.
Haha I see what you mean! This is definitely more suited for strictly numerical comparisons. Is it even possible to compare a number versus an object? As for different sorting options, I think that's a great idea!
In response to Michael3131
Michael3131 wrote:
Is it even possible to compare a number versus an object?

No, not really. You should probably add options for precedence. So we can choose if we want numbers, strings, or objects to be placed first.
In response to Michael3131
Michael3131 wrote:
Is it even possible to compare a number versus an object?

The problem isn't whether or not you can, you just don't want it to crash your proc if/when it tries.