Map Instancing

by Forum_account
An easy way to create multiple instances of a map. Each instance is put on its own z level.
BYOND Version:494
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium
Web Browser:Firefox 12.0
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
It seems that if you place a multi-tiled turf over a regular one and try to instance it, the location where the tile is doesn't load the underlying turf. Please see the screenshots.

Not Instanced:


A workaround would simply be to not use multi-tiled turfs but if I can avoid doing that, I'd prefer it.
That's probably happening because it only saves one turf per location. When you place large turfs like that in the map editor, it treats them as overlays. The library doesn't save these overlays.

You can instead use a multi-tile obj.
That was the other option. It would've been easier to leave them as turfs as that is less to accommodate but I can work around it.

I don't want the library to save all variables for all objects since that'll almost always be overkill. I can add a way for users to customize what gets saved so you could make it save overlays too.

There will always be things you can do that don't play nicely with map instancing. It's an inconvenience now, but changing the way you create maps can really help. I do a lot of stuff in the turf's New proc so maps can easily be created and copied.
Oh no, it's fine as is. There wasn't any issue with the copy. One thing I noticed that it won't copy is if you used generated icon states when mapping rather than coding out each individual turf, it won't copy properly. Objects and mobs moved over just fine though.

It was just a minor inconvenience with the overlays thing. The maps that get copied are to serve as dungeons for my RPG and the layers that get copied are the templates for it. They won't be access by the player. Doing a test copy worked out very well, once I solved the issue.