immma bring the game back
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Pokemon Magenta |
Currently heavily updating. Updates include: New icons ,new Pokémon, more shinies and the Battle Frontier! A final Update coming by Z hero man and Piccolo sjj5 [More] |
Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. {background: url(" pfd15.jpg") A new pokemon game that is still in testing add [email protected] for some help. Here is a link to the forums: Rules *No caps. It's considered as yelling, which gets annoying after a while(Results in Mute) *Please don't swear, it's a kid's game.(Results in mute.) *Do Not Spam (Results in Mute/Boot) * Gymleaders and E4 may only have pokemon types of their gym. *No blocking pathways. (Results in Boot/Ban) *Be polite to all players. *No killing wild pokemon. (Ban) *No catching other players. (Boot/Ban) *Please don't annoy the GMs for something(Mute/Boot) *Dont't ask or PM for owners it gets annoying as hell. (Mute/boot/ban) *Don't advertise other games it takes our people away. (boot/IP ban) * No asking for shinies or legendaries (Results in Mute/Boot) *Don't come play if you want GM as soon as you join. *Host should not bann at any circumstance without a good reason(not permitted to bann a co owner,owner or gm) *NO ASKING FOR RESOURCES(This includes Mappers, Coders, Iconners, Icons, Codes, Maps, and the Game Souce) (Immediate Boot/Ban/IPBan) All Places are open Gym leader Rules: * Open you gym at least once a day * Do not use Max stats. It makes it virtually impossible for you to be beaten. NOTE FROM SHINWHO: I would like to thank everyone who made something that I put in this game, such as the guild codes, the source, and the admin system. Note from the Kit-Kat: It's Katona here. I just want to say thanks for trying out the game, and we hope you enjoy it! I'm also looking for any icon donations you may have. I will reward you if the icons are ones I don't have. Post them on the forums and I'll take a look! Dumb nazat: Check out our christmas pic scrnshot1-1.png Owner: Dumb nazat,Shinwho, Katona,Gojan,Splater56 Co-owners:Z hero man,Daniel,piccolo sjj5 Mapper: Daniel,Dumb nazat,piccolo sjj5,z hero man Coder: Shinwho,paul,gojan, Iconner: Dumb nazat,Katona,paul,forgot user New gyms thanx to :Z hero man,piccolo sjj5 Now for gym leader reqs all gym leader must have 4 types of the same type of pokemon they ar going for minimum level of 800. Ranks: Helper:Digidigi 125 Hoster: Shin who,Mystic(dan) Gm level 3:Blaze Lightning,Dawgzombie Gm level 2:Iceteen21 Gm level 1:Gallade300 Admin:Flysbad,Raiketsulily,Chidori309, Chidori64 Apply on forum for gm Fire - Youngj2305 Water - Poison - Rock - Grass - Ghost - Flying - Thunder - E4 reqs 6 of the same type 2400+ Fighting: Ice: Psychic: Dragon - Champion - To become a GL/E4/Leader, you must be ingame for atleast 5 days and be ready to accept battles. Team leaders 600 + 6 pokemon of type. They also get a certain pokemon Magma(Groundon) Fire and Ground type - Aqua(Kyogre)Water and Ice - Ranger (Shiny celebi or giratina)Any pkmn - Kee Hunter (Any ledgendary or shinie ledgendary)Any Pkmn - Yobi Battle fronteir: Must have the reqs (Beat Piccolo sjj5,Daniel,Dumb nazat or Katona in a battle) Pike- (Get 4 badges) Factory- (Beat the e4 champ no badges needed) Palace-Frogman803 (Have atleast 2 ledgendaries not palkia) Tower- Z hero man (Get a Regigigas through a event then report to Dumb nazat) Pyramid-Gallade300 (Get atleast one pokemon with level 1200)Arena- (Have a mixed team with no ledgends or shinie)Dome- Gms or Admin can not have Battle frontier(factory,palace are aloud) |
Dumb nazat: (May 25 2011, 7:01 am)
Piccolo sjj5: (Apr 4 2011, 10:23 am)
Ahhh, the memorys :)
- Piccolo sjj5 Twielight: (May 9 2009, 1:44 pm)
do they have leganderys
Meep14: (May 6 2009, 7:14 am)
OMFG what happened to this game!? BTW I used to be the fire GL on dees game but I looked on the hub and someone else is so can I be water GL? XD
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- Piccolo sjj5