
by Efencea
PvP tower defense RTS [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Efencea.Efencea##version=0

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Version 1.2
Date added: Apr 18 2009
Last updated: Jan 14 2011
Last played: Aug 16 2024
61 fans

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Efencea is a two-player versus defense game. There are two factions that players may choose. Robots and Aliens, which are green and purple respectively. The two players take turns creating waves which the other player must defend against.

This release is merely to help us test the game.


Branks: (Jan 30 2011, 2:43 pm)
This is one of my favorite BYOND games.
Ganing: (Oct 10 2009, 6:24 pm)
Tayoko wrote:
Foomer wrote:
Toyoko got tired of working for free. Send him money and he'll get back to work.

Not true. -_-

Aw damn, and I racked up 60 bucks too...
Tayoko: (Oct 10 2009, 9:43 am)
Foomer wrote:
Toyoko got tired of working for free. Send him money and he'll get back to work.

Not true. -_-
Foomer: (Oct 5 2009, 6:33 pm)
Toyoko got tired of working for free. Send him money and he'll get back to work.
Ganing: (Jul 3 2009, 8:47 am)
Did Efencea die O.o