A Miner Adventure

by Forum_account
A Miner Adventure
Use a pick-ax and bombs to dig tunnels and build scaffolding to traverse the caves. Be careful, you'll never know what kind of danger you'll find! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Forum_account.AMinerAdventure##version=23

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 8.1.7
Date added: Jul 25 2010
Last updated: Jun 25 2011
Last played: May 18 2023
416 fans

Waiting List

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Use a pick-ax and bombs to dig tunnels and build scaffolding to traverse the caves. Be careful, you'll never know what kind of danger you'll find!

Want to make an action platform game of your own? Check out this library, it's what I used to make this game!

Thanks to Mr. Waltz for the background music! I couldn't have imagined something more fitting for the game's atmosphere.

F1 - Help
Arrow Keys = Move
Space Bar / Z = Jump
X + Arrow Key = Dig
A = Use Switch, Talk to NPC, Pick up Item
S = Build Scaffolding
B = Bomb
Jump + Down Arrow = Drop through scaffolding

Version 8.0

• Lots of medals
• Improved graphics
• Expanded adventure mode

Recent Medals

It Happens to Everyone (part 2)

Earned by Rian Martinho
Dec 27 2015, 5:50 pm

It Happens to Everyone (part 4)

Earned by Rian Martinho
Dec 27 2015, 5:49 pm


Jigsaw Pig: (Aug 11 2016, 6:38 pm)
The start game link wont work for me either, is it officially down or do I have the problem?
Shadowhawk31: (Dec 28 2015, 2:42 pm)
The Start game Link wont work for me.....
Doniu: (Nov 1 2015, 4:20 am)
Hello, I host this game 24/7.
Fan Doniu Host:

And me here:

Also, this is hub for Doniu Host: (in alpha test, still not even read, but in future it will lunch)

If you got any questions, want something from me - PM :-}
*If somone would like to adversite my hosting - feel free to do it.
** Owner of this game/program, you have done a good job.
Turboskill: (Nov 15 2013, 7:57 am)
You there Forum_Account? :(
HeartBrokenCrime: (Feb 10 2013, 5:19 am)
I love this game; great job. Any other games you made?