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*Graphic Artist
Stargate Expeditions Tales is based in the timeline of the TV show Stargate Franchise but it will include original characters with some of the characters on the show!
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Stargate Expeditions Tales is a non-profit game, and is not intended for sales for any sort. It is in no way affiliated with, or sponsored or approved. This work is for the personal, uncompensated enjoyment of us and other Stargate Fans. Stargate, "Stargate SG-1," "Stargate Atlantis," "Stargate Universe," "Stargate Infinity," "Stargate Online Trading Card Game," references, characters, and images from the film and television series are copyrighted by MGM Television Entertainment, Stargate Productions, and Sony. All other trademarks, trade names or copyrighted materials are the property of their respective owners. Stargate SG-1™ and © 1997 © 2006 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc.
Stargate Expeditions Tales game graphics & code Copyright © 2015 their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.