Target Practice

by Gizhy
Shoot targets as fast as you can within' 60 seconds, GO! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Gizhy.TargetPractice##version=5

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 0.5
Date added: Mar 20 2012
Last updated: Apr 21
Last played: Jul 23 2012
1 fan

Waiting List

Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play.

[Login to join waiting list]

Guest accounts can not play this game!
Create a BYOND account here!

Game Update Log:

[Version 0.5]

FIX: New scores weren't being submitted unless you had a previous high-score. (Samehada24 helped me notice)
FIX: Some minor bugs I've noticed!

[Version 0.4]

Hub score only updated if you beat your old high score! (Tsfreaks)
Added a starting countdown! (Tsfreaks)
The game now adds time for hitting targets, and loses time for missing! (Tsfreaks)
Sound has been added to the game!

[Version 0.3]

Thank Neimo for helping me fix the Score display problem
Brand new TargetSpawn system!
FIX: Retry button wasn't working! (Zaltron)
Targets now spawn when Start is pressed. (Zaltron)
Changed the score's needed for medals!

[Version 0.2] (Small Update)

Added a new cross-hair for the player!
Added 3 news medals! (Beginner Shooter, Intermediate Shooter, Top Shot Pro)

[Version 0.1]

Added The Basics For This Game!
Added 3 target types! (large, medium, and small)
Added New Mouse Pointer Icon!


Sanox2u: (Jul 23 2012, 12:38 pm)
Very fun, reminds me of playing goldeneye or perfect dark to compete for scores with friends.
Gizhy: (Mar 29 2012, 12:44 pm)
Well, I honestly don't think people would use Target Practice as there first choice to decide whether they like BYOND enough to create an account for it. So if that isn't the case, why not just log into your BYOND account? I usually just save my password to my pager for easy log-in access.

I also like people to know who they're competing against in the Hub Scores.
A.T.H.K: (Mar 29 2012, 12:42 pm)
Gizhy wrote:
Well, I don't like Guest accounts scores being submitted to the hub.

Well don't allow them to submit to the hub, but at least allow them to play ...

Gizhy: (Mar 29 2012, 12:39 pm)
Well, I don't like Guest accounts scores being submitted to the hub.

As for the window. I guess it's just the design of the game. Never thought it'd bother anyone, since you can minimize it if you want it out of the way.
A.T.H.K: (Mar 29 2012, 12:17 pm)
Any reason why a guest can't play?

It seems OK but I have that I can not move the window around...