Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Byond

by Iobject
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Byond
A remake of the most popular anime video game for B.Y.O.N.D.! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Iobject.NarutoShippudenUltimateNinjaStorm2Byond##version=20

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version Demo 16
Date added: Feb 20 2012
Last updated: Jun 25 2013
Last played: Jan 30 2021
156 fans

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Single Player: Do not host this version. Host the Wifi version on the Install/Download button above!

Ever wonder how Ultimate Ninja Storm would look on Byond? Can't afford the actual game or a PS3/Xbox360? Well this is the perfect game in progress for you!

This title will feature certain aspects such as combat that replicates ultimate ninja storm, boss battles with RealTime Button presses, and more characters than Ultimate Ninja Storm 3!

In total, there are 88 characters planned out. There will be a story from the beginning of the arc (Kakashi Chronicles) to the current part (Kyuubi Chakra Mode, Ultimate Tobi, and the Shinobi War).

Battles will replicate ultimate ninja storm boss battles when you knock the enemy down to enough HP, they start a cutscene and you do realtime button presses and other cool visuals. Every story fight will be a boss battle!

Current Demo: Demo 15
Next Demo: Demo 16
The Next demo will introduce:
Sage Mode Naruto, PTS Sasuke, Menma Voices, Fixed FPS lag issues, 1v1 Screen Fixes, possibly AI fighting in Free Battle.


Iobject: (Jun 16 2013, 4:51 pm)
Death Osborn wrote:
When I try to play the game, the game screen is covered with white.

Fixed the issue a day ago and finishing up the release of Demo 16! Thanks for reporting a bug!
Death Osborn: (Jun 8 2013, 6:51 am)
When I try to play the game, the game screen is covered with white.
Iobject: (Jun 4 2013, 7:33 pm)
PheonixBlaster wrote:
i can host, ive been searchin non stop ow to and now i can, can i e ur host?

Host if you wish I am releasing Demo 16 by the end of this week then putting this project on hiatus
PheonixBlaster: (Jun 4 2013, 6:56 pm)
i can host, ive been searchin non stop ow to and now i can, can i e ur host?
Iobject: (May 29 2013, 2:37 pm)
Kboy33 wrote:
Ahh I see.

If you don't mind, what is this new project?

Sorry, not much info to be revealed, but it won't take place in 20xx like every other project I see in the world. It will be a mix between turn-based RPG and free-roam RPG!