Dragon Ball : The Final Battle

by Kingmasherr
Dragon Ball  : The Final Battle
Dragon Ball Z HU and Dragon Ball Z HU2 are both the same... only HU2 is an Imporvement version! Drabon Ball Z: The Final Battle will become the ending to this!! be prepared for the next and last FIGHT! [More]
To download this game for your Linux/Mac installation, enter this on your command line:

DreamDownload byond://Kingmasherr.DBTFB##version=5

Emulator users, in the BYOND pager go to File | Open Location and enter this URL:


Version 0.1
Date added: Apr 4 2008
Last updated: May 15 2010
Last played: Oct 28 2024
431 fans

Waiting List

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Owner: Kingmasherr
Co-Owner's: None
Iconners: Kingmasherr
Coders: Kingmasherr
Mappers: Kingmasherr
Hoster: Takishiro
Co-Hosters: Need one.[add Kingmasher to apply]

1.Respect GM's
2.No Spamming
3.No Advertising other games unless told to do so by a Admin.
4.No Cursing
5.No Sexual Harrasment(This is a kids game)

By Joining and playing Dragon Ball Z Final Battle you Agree to follow the rules or be punished legally or reported to your ISP.

GM Rules
1.Don't Abuse your Powers
2.Never try to ban another GM unless they deserve it.
3.Never Ban a player for fun.
4.Respect the players and fellow GM's
5.Don't encourage people to do bad things.
6.Show support to the game(Advertise)

GM Spots

Game Under Beta. Being released in May - August. - Add to favorites to be ranked #1.

Click One of theese Links to Subscribe Early
Make sure to leave your Byond Key (NOT PASSWORD)
Never Give out your password to anybody to obtain a subscription, only thing needed is a Key.

Link NO.1 :Subscribe

Link NO.2 : Working out the second link.

Link NO.3 : Working out the third link.

Recent Medals

Level 500

Earned by Alpha King1
Oct 16 2009, 2:25 pm

Level 1000

Earned by Alpha King1
Oct 16 2009, 2:25 pm