The Crystal Sagas

by LazyBunnyStudios
The Crystal Sagas
A fantasy Roleplaying Game with table-top inspired mechanics, and over 28+ different classes. [More]
Version Terra Shifts
Date added: Feb 3 2023
84 fans

1 Game Live!

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Made for players, by players; Discord]

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The Crystal Sagas is a roleplaying game, with a world inspired by traditional RPGs, and utilizing a character sheet, for engaging and streamlined roleplay combat, with a focus on PVE events, but support for PVP as well. With a thriving community, and a sub-class system ; as well as 28+ classes in the game, and more than 10 races ; there are thousands of character concepts to explore, and enjoy. The game is sandbox - and has a supported crafting system, for customizable smithed items - as well as a faction system, with base building.