Testing Range

by LordAndrew
In which I test hub-related things. [More]

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Latest Version
Date added: May 21 2012
Last updated: Mar 1 2019
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Nothing to see here. Ignore the strange men in hazmat suits. Pay no attention to the guys in black suits staring at you from atop buildings.


LordAndrew: (Sep 14 2012, 4:02 pm)
Calus CoRPS: (Sep 14 2012, 4:01 pm)
Well, I'm going to man up and be the first to ask. Because honestly, we're only here due to the possibility of one thing occurring: Can I be gm?
Lilius: (Sep 10 2012, 10:22 pm)
Erm Meh Gerd

Okay, so can I edit posts?
Himari: (Sep 10 2012, 10:21 pm)