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Dream Forge Version .31 View Version Notes |
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Xorbah: (Oct 25 2018, 7:52 pm)
I've taken up this project and will let you know of its status soon.
Seiryuu The Azure Dragon: (Sep 26 2015, 10:08 pm)
Please tell me this is still being worked on, it's still one of the best BYOND games i've played and it wasn't even finished like 90% of the other games!
Lord Raven: (Feb 24 2012, 6:18 am)
Not working at all? Does dragging an item from the equipment pane to the inventory or vice versa unequip/equip it? If not, and you can verify that drag operations are working in other BYOND games, then I would really like to look at this for you. Thanks!
Joshuaxz: (Jan 31 2012, 6:29 pm)
It may be old, but it is under construction constantly and I think it has the potential to become the most popular BYOND game and it has the best graphics I have ever seen on BYOND so just because it is old doesn't mean you should not play it if you think that.
Ss4gogeta0: (Dec 23 2011, 5:52 am)
old as dirt
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