Procedurally Generated Stargate Game

by Lyndonarmitage1
Procedurally Generated Stargate Game
A game based on the Stargate franchise. [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Alpha
Date added: Apr 4 2010
Last updated: Jun 4 2010
5 fans

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This game is based upon the Stargate franchise copyright MGM Worldwide Television Inc.

The aim of this game was to create an entire universe for the players to explore without having to spend an incredibly long length of time on mapping every planet. As such it procedurally generates every planet on the fly.

At the time of writing this, there are over 200 different planets. These belong to 9 different kinds of planets and contain a further 5 different features on each (with the possibility of more than 1 feature too).

The current version makes use of place-holder graphics borrowed from the Game Stargate Online from the time I was working on it. But all programming is entirely original and done by me except for certain libraries created by Deadron,Flick and Shadowdarke.

For now the game is in it's alpha stages but feel free to log in if it is being hosted and help test and explore the game.

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Earned by Lyndonarmitage1
Jun 7 2010, 12:47 am


Earned by Lyndonarmitage1
Apr 6 2010, 9:39 am