Naruto Ultimate Adventure

by McMekko
Naruto Ultimate Adventure
2025 Back again. See you soon

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Jan 18 2008
Last updated: Monday
Last played: Jul 31 2016
597 fans

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Xcrazyluisx: (Jan 7 2020, 9:39 pm)
Nikorayu: (Apr 13 2018, 1:18 pm)
I miss this game and the people I used to chat with.
Xcrazyluisx: (Aug 23 2016, 2:15 am)
Hey guys, after mcmekko leaved the game me and yamiyo tried revive the game for a while, it was fun! So sad the game is off, i would love to see it again online and running, my name ingame was Ryusaki, or luis, i dont remember hahah if any of you guys remember me, send me a text would love to hear from you 956-780-4066
Eogos: (Jul 17 2016, 6:44 pm)
still wanna get it up?

Akechi54: (May 6 2016, 8:03 pm)
Somebody Nobody wrote:
Hey all, for anyone who doesn't remember me i'm Yamiyo(my key used to be Darkness2) I was coder for mekko for a really short time and there was a whole shitshow mess and whatnot, I got fired, stole the source made a rival game. But whatever, water under a bridge.
If anyone who used to work on the game would be interested in continuing the project again, i.e mekko or matt, ojoto, whoever wants to just reply on here and we'll figure out a way to contact each other.

Hey man, it's acceptance8/akechi. I might be interested. Hit me up and we'll figure something out.