Currently Unavailable |
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Xcrazyluisx: (Jan 7 2020, 9:39 pm)
Nikorayu: (Apr 13 2018, 1:18 pm)
I miss this game and the people I used to chat with.
Xcrazyluisx: (Aug 23 2016, 2:15 am)
Hey guys, after mcmekko leaved the game me and yamiyo tried revive the game for a while, it was fun! So sad the game is off, i would love to see it again online and running, my name ingame was Ryusaki, or luis, i dont remember hahah if any of you guys remember me, send me a text would love to hear from you 956-780-4066
Eogos: (Jul 17 2016, 6:44 pm)
still wanna get it up?
Akechi54: (May 6 2016, 8:03 pm)
Somebody Nobody wrote:
Hey all, for anyone who doesn't remember me i'm Yamiyo(my key used to be Darkness2) I was coder for mekko for a really short time and there was a whole shitshow mess and whatnot, I got fired, stole the source made a rival game. But whatever, water under a bridge. Hey man, it's acceptance8/akechi. I might be interested. Hit me up and we'll figure something out. |
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