These users are fans of Land of Fire.

Naruto 5292, Iconn2, MagnaElectro, LordDonny, CopyNinja_Hell, Axre, Cadis E. Di Raizel, Akim123, Kebiru, Tevin64, ExclueSive, Red Emperor, Fandor, KurosakiGoku92, Strycker13, Pcprev, ProxyNeku, Mammon Monomyth, Wassim, CrossFireKat, ShroudedCorpse, Demonoxus, Vazaer, Bless Thy Pie, Shellfisch, Dino111, CapoeiraMaster, Lildowwow, LegitNameForRealz, Javierkid, Lion2407, Blooderty12, Light wolf 2, MalikCatcher, Flick, Finland69, Kayky, Tantric1, Chwgt, Makei9, Hunts Alone, Exentriks Gaming, Aaron Stone ROCK, Vanchi, Yuriincrivel, Arotisan, Hakubf2, Racave, MajinKillswitch, Mange125, Tsunat, Bailey33, Martynas1, Muge1234, Nico2014, IIMidII, Dabiddoson, Xyberman, Yagazie54, Ultimate-Super-Gohan-11, ArchAgent, Solstice Entertainment, Heyblinx, Supreme Troll, SneakyP, Son Goku DBZ, Fireman14, Uhsteve, Kaien007, ZakkuzaHatake, Super3222, Shadow_wodahS, Killer mark, Naruhi, Max_SteelF, OmegaNoodle, EthemP, Tonytnhk, Blackstar1134, Smelliej, Zenkova, Ziosin, FlamingNightmare, Juraquille7, LegacyGaming, Gohanssj1111, G0ddess, Aarono11, Renowner, Mehsik, Logi99, The Red Fox, Snakers, Dragonpearl123, Matheus.Dias, BlazeZu, SiganNytecrow, Airide, AndreDelicia, Hellsing-crush, Manio, Jayb85, Kurikchan, Hero29, WolfFang54, Kuybifox, Kowala, Hummussucks, Rasta2603, Silant Turtle, M6qllp9M, Green345, KidLeevi, Kougetsu, Generex, Shamy-Z, Nyc123, Jonasz, Shulker1000, NatsuDBlaze, Cheesy pants, Darkith12, Lyrith the albino, Narutouzumaki188, Kiyo Takamine, Zarashi, SuperAntx, Multi-Kill401, Dujo13309, Redlink2212, Samanosuke23, Josh422, Syntty, Thedarkreaper, Rushnut, SolidHebi, Meito15, MinamotoNoAlex, Mav472, Eat My Tarts, Jamchop23334, PatrickBR, Inushi, Destroior, LeMonster, Ivan.kovachev, Adun13, Joshaboy, Wolfylex, JOAOW, Inutaishos, Nevin54, TheBlueReaper, Kiminino, Maxpaya, SiMo94, Iforeverlolicon, Sayin24, MatiasUchiha, Raejay101, JeffryXD, Zzetsu-X, Kensei_Hirako, Shuruki2010, Fat Albert, Exynos, Kennyisdead, Ufirum2, Deadlypure, Otako, Rajmix, Anime HQ, Captain Blue jr, Darkcore1245, IMD, Radori3, Nosley, Adrianzinm, Hapello, Lord-Buson, Ashton09, Akp25oo, Prazon, Tintu, Con4, Shizamz, Jamaicaz88, Math of the Potato, Yamon122, Akihisa_Ienari, Pizza1992, Jamaicaz89, KKom, KaiserMouse, .kirjox., Griimzly1, 5ratsuperhalo, Ortewix, XXharuXX, Rickoshay, SkullNos, KotaroX, SasukeHawk, DarthTyrael, AntaresB, Yogcastfan22, Daniel7746, Zagros5000, Inferna14, UPD4T3, Chris221, Sakimaru, Brennolord, Magus8, Ragingphoenix, Gold94, AlmightyAnon, IzunKitosuf, RandomBlackGamer, Ace262, Czoaf, Denshichiro, Junior219, Petja12, Tevicomaster, Rod5, Kevin208, Bl4ck Adam, Terex1166, Solobb-, Ganite, Paxax, Vegeta ssjj2, MauroVega, Shadowmurger, Suicidal Noob, ErreDee, LightLaser, SynaHunt14, Hergest, Gokuwarior213, Chris Gayle, Yuki Uchisan, DeMazzter, DarkTemplarX96, HaxRp, Grundone1, Killajor, Landoncw, Greedy54, Saverin, Blaker111, Only Pandas, Ichigoo0, Dark-DVF, Tajcore, GreatPirateEra, Riley-Kun, Chad clarke, Dark soul 53, CommanderCobra, Darkanjel797, Zeex00, Greatsayanman, Neji11, Nads, Zokujrs, Aryanna, Slashman2, OverlordKilla, Lrn2h8, DredFTW, Dbzdude11, Tgyhu8, DetonadorW98, Xwolf16, Skarrj, LordxPatrick, Spongehero72, Arkadias, Zumyuchiha, Zanero, SC3PTR3, Akushumi, Mehkai, Ej247, Kresnik04, Oral123, SinOfHate, 0XXLightXX0, Tojishiro, LifeGod, Mr. Carlton Banks, Identify, Carnage Productions, Zach Reznor, Taco938, Making, Tacurumin, Kwaj874, Skystone, Mappel6, Kidpaddle45, Pixelcomet, Syxoul, Zane444, Ishuri