Pokemon Primal Realms |
Some Tales are Told But Soon Forgotten....But Legends Are Forever.... [More] |
Currently Unavailable |
Only Windows users can play this game. If you have an emulator, you can join the waiting list to be informed when a new server is ready to play. WE ARE ONLY UPDATING THE GAME WE ARE NOT QUITING IT WILL BE UP AGAIN SOON Rules 1-no catching ppl(boot)second time its ban 2-no asking for gm,admin,co-owner(boot) 3-no asking for legends(boot) 4-no AFK training(boot)second time ban 5-NEVER curse(boot) 6-Gl NEVER give yourself badge(demote) 7-GM's and admin' NEVER abuse powers(boot) 8-NEVER advertise first time boot second time ban 9-No HTML Names unless We let u have them first time boot second time ban *****CONTEST***** PPR IS HAVING A CONTEST FOR ANYBODY WHO CAN MAKE A WINGED PALKIA LIEK THE TUMBNAIL FOR THE GAME!!!!! THE WINNER WILL HAVE THEIR ICON PLACED IN THE GAME ALONG WITH THE POKEMON,RECIEVE THE POKEMON,AND EARN ALL BADGES!!!!!TO ENTER JUST MAKE A ICON AND ASK A GM TO ENTER! Owners Reldnahc96 Jimmy889 Admins/GMs Special Jobs/Special Positions Iconer-(Open Position) Mapper-Reldnahc96 and some Jimmy889 Host-Reldnahc96 Coder-Jimmy889 GM/Admins 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- Gym Leaders:(Must have five pokemom of that type level 600 or more) Rock Leader- Grass Leader- Dark Leader- Dragon Leader- Fire Leader- Thunder Leader-Heart Ice Leader- Elemental Leader-(1 water,1 grass,1 electric,1 fire,1 ground type) Water Leader- Gym Leader Rules: 1-No giving self badge demote 2-no afk training boot 3-only can use gym pokemon not any pokemon u want 4-Must have 5 of pokemon type E4 Members: Lv:1500 E4#1(Fire)- Lv:1500 E4#2(Psychic)- Lv:1500 E4#3(Fighting)- Lv:1500 E4#4(Bug)- Champion-(Defeat all gyms and the elite four,if their is already a champion and you have done this you may challenge them to a battle for the title) Organizations:Rules- 1:Only 1 lutinet 2:u can only catch one of the legends in ur base 3: have to be on for 3 hours for 3 days a week 4:must have 6 pokemon of that org type level 650 or more) Aqua Leader-(Water/Ice) Magma Leader-(Fire/Rock) Darkness Leader-(Dark/Ghost) Galactic Leader-(Normal/Physcic) Hunter Leader-(3 fire types,2 ghost types) Mafia Leader-(3 rock types,2 dark types) Rocket Leader-(Poison/Dark) Ranger Leader-(Electric/Flying) Comming Soon: 1-More Pokemon 2-Police Org Some Credit Goes to Pokemon Elements Unleashed For Ideas And Inspiring Game. |
Toopher2: (Sep 6 2011, 9:12 am)
omg put this game up again i wanna be champ again...
Aceraptor: (Feb 11 2011, 10:47 am)
what happened to the server
Kane Azura.Jr: (Apr 24 2010, 3:17 pm)
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