Naruto Yume Online

by Tacurumin
Naruto Yume Online
Naruto MMO PvP game [More]
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DreamDownload byond://Tacurumin.NarutoYumeOnline##version=0

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Latest Version
Date added: Jan 16 2015
Last updated: Apr 15 2020
Last played: Oct 1 2024
76 fans

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This game is an independent non-profit production.
Naruto is a Viz Media brand, all rights reserved.
Naruto Yume Online is a linked production to PixelFaint.


JohnnyPlayy: (Nov 27 2019, 1:22 pm)
Muitos esperam esse projeto a vários anos.

Sou fá do projeto desdo inicio.

Queria saber se ele ainda vai ter um futuro?
280695: (Mar 18 2018, 4:29 pm)
Acompanho o projeto des do naruto senki online, queria saber quando teremos novidades.
Denshichiro: (Jul 13 2015, 4:53 pm)
nice grafic.......
Yassine16: (Jul 4 2015, 6:07 pm)
Can't ask for better

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Tacurumin: (Jan 20 2015, 3:52 pm)
WeabooGamesInc wrote:
Is this game going to be room based? (I ask because you select a character to use)

Yes it will be but not at the beggining, i just need to figure how to do it a learn a bit more about map instancing.

At first it would be a moba, but I decided to make it a mmopvp battle arena.