Naruto My Nindo

by Trigun506
Naruto My Nindo
5 Demons, 110+ Clothes, 40+ Hairstyles, 34 Clans, 450+ Jutsu, Adavanced AI, All-Around Fun Gameplay! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version 1
Date added: Sep 6 2007
Last updated: Jun 15 2008
Last played: Mar 9 2017
67 fans

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Welcome to My Nindo

33 Clans
350+ Jutsu
Advanced Enemy AI
Constant Updates
Helpful Admins

Character Customization:
In Naruto My Nindo, character customization is pushed to it's limits. You can practically wear anything you ever wanted, and have anything you ever wanted.If you wish to have pink eyes, you may do so, If you wish to have a tattoo on your chest, you can do that also. In NMN you can wear any hair from your favorite Naruto characters, and even dress like them, or you can define your own personality in clothing, and generic hairs.

Enemy AI:
In NMN the enemies don't just walk up, and punch you, Instead imagine enemies using teamwork, and going after the weakest ninja in their sight, and leveling there stats up, by training, then give them some jutsu, and you have tough opponents.

In NMN there are a vast multitude of training methods, you can tree-climb, water-walk, glacier-walk, sand dune walk, log train, Cut logs in half with ninjutsu, read scrolls for genjutsu, Mountain climb, and Fire walk to raise Ninjutsu defense.You can also raise your doujutsu by trading 500 Max Health for 50 doujutsu.

NMN has been constantly updating since 9/07/07, I like to update it everyday if I can, you will constantly see something new, and what players ask for I add.

I have been given full ownership of the Jinketsu source, so this game is not a rip, and every game using same interface is(except Naruto.Shippuden.By.Snake.Productions)

Villages, and Origanizations:
In NMN you can be apart of 12 villages, or be in 5 different Origanizations. Each Village is different in there own way. Origanizations have there own jutsu to learn. With a Vast map, I felt it was not an option to add in the Swamp Country, and the Land of Waves.

In Naruto My Nindo, you don't just talk to a jounin, and they give you missions, instead you encounter random people, who will give you tasks to complete either retrieving a sword for them, or killing your own villagers. There is another way to do missions, Some mission can be assigned by your Village Kage, and the prize will be set from there.

I do alot of my own iconning, or I have my friends do them for me. I try to make NMN graphically beautiful to rival those such as GOA, and there Icons.

In NMN, There are no PK zones, so the strong survive, however in a village you are pretty much safe from other Shinobi, becuase if a outsider comes into the village, you can report them, and recieve 2000 as a reward, and an Anbu, Jounin will make them leave, or kill them.You also get random drops from killing NPCs, such as Hero Water, Exp Scrolls, Elemental Scrolls, Upgrading Scrolls, Gelel Stones, and other things.

Upgrading Weapons:
In NMN, you are able to upgrade you weapon from +1-+10 from +10 you are able to give it an element.

NMN Recent News:
~Shiakugan's Super Hyper Omega Tourny~

As of Sunday June 15 all orgs/kage position will be
suspended (all org members must leave the org).
Who ever I see with a title will be strip from them
with the upmost dishonor. The purpose of this
tournament is to finally decide on one kage or org
leader for its village or group.

The villages and orgs that will participate:
-Leaf -Akatsuki
-Sand -Sound 4
-Mist -Hebi
-Sound -Akatsuki Slayers
-Rock -Seven Swordsmen of Mist

Ok this tournament is going to take place on
Tuesday June 24 to Wednessday June 25
(or Thursday June 26 if somthing unexpected
comes up).
-On Tuesday it will be Snow, Rain, Tea, Star,
Sound, Sand, Akatsuki, Hebi, and Sound 4.

-On Wednessday it will be Grass, Cloud,
Waterfall, Rock, Mist, Leaf, Seven Swordmen of
Mist, and Akatsuki Slayers.


1. You must be level 60+ or above to participate.
2. You must be from the village to participate or
you must be a criminal to be apart of an org.
3. No homing jutsus such as kirin, arashi, or lighting
bolt fang pursuit.
4. No illusion chains or tree of binding death,
jutsus that take aim such as steel web are acceptable.
5. No elemental weapons.
6. No Demon, crispy, or creamy puppets.
7. Powerups/Supports such as Demons, Sharingan, Gates,
Byakugan, and Renningan are allowed.
8. Custom and Signature Jutsus are allowed.
9. If you log out during the match it is a DQ and
even if it is your internet you are still DQ.
10.If you miss the tournament you are out of luck,
I am try to spread the word around as much as I can
and PLEASE if you can try to be online when your
village is fighting, there will be no second chances.

If you win you of course get the leader rank of the
position you are fighting for.NO BONUS! Leaders of
orgs I will personally edit your title of you and your
members so I can keep track of them.

I'm trying my best to make this as organized as possible
and truly hope that it goes well. Before hand I would like
the personally thank all the players who paticipate.
^^P.S. If you will to join a village or leave a village
plz talk to me before the tournament.