Yokai Wars

by Wynokx
Join the fight between humans and demons [More]
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Version Version 1.3.4
Date added: Jul 19 2013
Last updated: Sep 23 2019
Last played: Aug 12 2023
43 fans

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Yokai Wars is my first attempt at an original Game. Currently I am programming, iconning, mapping, etc. All by myself, for the time being I am forced to use icons that either aren't of good quality or just aren't mine. I want to change that. I ask that you play the game for a time, and give any input or even offers of help. Anything would be extremely helpful! Thank you in advance.

Now about the game:
The story of Yokai Wars is an original Idea that I came up with but wasn't able to figure out a way to express this. So I thought, Why not a game.

Yokai Wars is the story of two worlds. One, Earth, the home of humans and a few...Less than human entities. The other, Demon Realm, The land of demons and monsters.
From the beginning of time, the two worlds have existed side by side.But in recent years, a group of demons and humans with wicked goals, have formed a group called Team Rokuyukai.

3000 years before the beginning of the game, a group of Seven Demon Lords entered Earth and drove the humans underground, killing a majority of the population. After centuries of hiding, the Humans began to return, but they were different. They were empowered and drove the Demons back into their realm. The story stats in the year 2021 After Yokai War(AYW). The portal between the Human and Demon worlds is rapidly weakening and more and more demons are flooding in.

I created the game with one thing in mind: As little Admin interaction with the players as possible. It is for this reason that I've strove to create a game that is fully playable as a one-player, free roaming world or as a multiplayer Role-playing game.

~~About Major Systems~~
Yokai Wars relies on several systems that I have hand-crafted and am constantly upgrading. Each and every weapon and some of the major tools in the game are able to be created with a rather in-depth creation system. At the moment, there are only about a dozen crafting combinations at the moment fewer weapons and tools to be created.

There is also a weapon augmenting system along with mining and smithing systems, both of which are fully discoverable in game and rely on crystals which can be mined all over.