
Joined: Mar 30 2010


Dec 17 2012, 1:52 pm
Hey can I get the source?
Undefeated Saiyans
Sep 4 2012, 4:34 pm
If you need a host for the game hit me up.
Game will be up 24/7 or however long you want it to be.
Jul 20 2012, 1:24 pm
ace why did you dict hreborn while i was gone what happened well i was gone if you can please give me the details
May 9 2012, 6:46 am
Hi Ace it's Crow.
Just thought I would drop in to say hi :D
May 6 2012, 4:09 pm
can u host a castle server please

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Aceraptor's Games
Pokemon Phantom Legends
The Third game in the Pokemon Phantom Generation. We're officially back in business!
Re: Downtime
Pokemon Race Against Time
Guess who's back :D
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Pokemon Phantom Reborn
The second game in the Pokemon Phantom Generation.
Re: About Pokemon Phantom Reborn
Pokemon Phantom Heroes
Welcome to the final game in the Pokemon Phantom Series. This will be the best game yet. Hope you enjoy
Re: About Pokemon Phantom Heroes