| While I can see why wiping someone who logs out to hide the hougyoku can be reasonable but, with the current random …
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| Very slight rework of Aaroniero Resurrección's abilities.
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| The problem is that when ever you move your moves 2 spaces instead of 1 making it look as though you moved over a space which i can't figure out how to get rid of, please assist
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| Providing a update log in the game or on the forums would be nice unless there is one and I've missed it.
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| Well I think the survival map is nice overall but its more of a pain to get through it. Nearly more of a challenge to …
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| A event that when it starts and gathers all the players up to a map to fight in it begins to spawn mobs, hostile enemy …
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| The ability to buy guild houses if you are a guild leader would be cool, int he house you could drop guild things that …
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| Hollow only seem to have a few transformation, it would be nice if they had a few more before adjuchas and vasto lorde
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| Suggestion about the inner hollow fight
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| Substitute shinigami suggestions
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| A new zan that would be cool to have in game along with suggestions to another
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| New hollow abilities that might be good in the game
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| I'm not exactly sure what the problem is honestly, can anyone help?(line 132 is where Read(F) is)
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| (Hostfiles in description) Add Color to any existing icon easily
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| A new Naruto based game full of action and adventure.
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| How would i make a NPC(Non playing character(Game mob)) use a verb?
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| I keep getting a runtime error with saving this list but its not giving me a runtime error saving any other list ont he game (Line 71 is next to Write(F)
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| description of how and where the problem exsists
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| I think it should be added
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| the puppet wont move when its suppose to move, not sure whats wrong i've looked over the code about 5 times maybe i missed something?
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| its not taking anything from their variable seal speed when its suppose to, it tell them that they got faster at the seals but the variable doesn't change
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| What i was trying to do is make all the areas that are you know black to not be able to be walked into and also make it so you couldn't see past them but this code failed badly, no errors but it failed. I'm not used to working with area, any idea on how t
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| its telling me everywhere thers a negative number its a bad number and its an error but i'm not sure how this could be fixed, it was working last night, please help me figure this out
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| please help make it so that it checks everyone an dpicks one person
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| Okay the code works mostly but the eye of the person becoming the kid doesn't appear on the person whos having it and the when they spawn they don't appear on top of that person
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| problen is that thats incorrect. I need to know how to create something that will pick one random person in world if they have certin varible. Help please
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| the years wont change even though the months change when they are so-pose to but it doesn't add the years
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| crashing the game code pleas ehelp
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| will not talk where its so-pose to
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| talking without right clicking
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| it just doesn't end until relog
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| its giving these undefined vars and i don't see why.
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Feb 24 2016, 12:27 pm