| I'm doing it wrong and could use some help :)
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| In this post. Killer22 asks for a ByondExe key! Will he get his wish, or shall the BYOND admins smite him. Find out …
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| Accuracy, Damage, and Special Effect algorithms all successfully implemented and full operational. A more basic version …
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| After having lost the update sources to this game, I have began reprogramming and older source. The game is making …
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| The naked body, and how it's very much appropriate.
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| After looking, I found some of my old source that have lost. One being Pokemon Moonlight Rebellion. So I may continue …
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| Recently, scientist have discovered that though shampoo may be full of nutrients it has also been proven to cause …
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| After searching and searching and... well searching I finally found it! STAGEVU! Using the great DivX web player …
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| Yus bishes, I got myspace, so check it out and add me! http://myspace.com/dmathesius
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| A little update for those of you that like to know, the current project I'm working with Asha_LaPoe, a very skilled …
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| Woot! After running a search for my key in community, I've found a bunch of posts that have my key listed in them! …
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| New website launched! http://killer22.dyndns.info/ Tell me what you think ;)
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| Alright, I've looked at quite a bit of guides and it still took me a while to figure out which files to edit to get it …
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| I've been trying to get Login to work on my site but for some reason it won't set cookies. …
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| Hud alert (yes and no option included)
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| It's been a while since I've actually played DMO, but I actually owe it my thanks as it was the very reason I found …
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| Okay, so due to boredom I've decided to go forth and attempted to create a DMC Role playing game. You can download the …
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| Recently I was looking at all my files on my BYOND and I found some old pictures and stuff that I had forgotten about …
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| Ideas for an RPG Devil May Cry game on BYOND.
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| For those RP fans, SS13 is the game to play.
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| This is a game I definitely do NOT recommend. Read the review and you'll see why. Heck if you want, go ahead and join …
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| A nice little fishing game.
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| Bringing back the greatest pokemon game to see BYOND!
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| Nova challenged me to make a better game than Pokemon RP. So for the following week, I will be working to surpass …
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| For those of you that are active YouTubers, then it's most likely you know about I Power. But for those of you that …
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| For those of you Death Note fans, L Change The World, a death note prequel was premiered February 9th. I'm still …
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| Funneh mix up between South Park and Obama's speech xD
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| Fine fine! I get the message! No more doing naughty things on teh interwebz... or BYOND at least! And for the record, I …
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| I was an idiot once. Here's proof of my idiocy, and humiliation.
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| In the event that any of you are bored or curious, I have some nice AMV's you guys might like! Check em out! - Death …
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| Hahahaha, I just reformatted my computer and accidentally forgot to back-up my files so... yeah! All my games have gone …
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| My response to Propaganda's post ;p
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| Don't waste your time, you'll probably have more fun playing one of those "Naruto/Bleach" games.
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| After of only 10 days of being in production, we've decided it's time for Open Testin! Currently Ayane is hosting a …
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| For anyone interested in joining our Kingdom Hearts: Zankoku Tenshi development team, we are looking for a few more …
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| Alpha 1.0 Updates - Added Quests - Added Dimensions - Added Wakka Ball - Added Moogle + Shopping System Ayane had me …
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| For those of you interested, we have some screenshots you may be interested in seeing!
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| Kingdom Hearts: Zankoku Tenshi in the works! Be sure to check it out when we get it up and hosting!!!
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| A game worth looking into!
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| Does kindness still exist?
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| Hooray! A lack of intelligent programmers and un-lazy programers leave BYOND to die helplessly in a pool of it's on …
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| I made my first 2 AMVs and uploaded em to YouTube. Check em out and tell me what ya thing! ^_^ Death Note - …
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| Yesh, I'm bored... so I decide to fall for a stupid get rich quick scam... ZOMG WAIT A SECOND? This is real? Yays MONEY …
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| Lol, okay, time to found out what you BYONDers are! I myself am Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving(INFP) Take the …
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| I don't really know what to say after just have finished the Zeitgeist movie. I watched the entire thing and was …
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Feb 28 2016, 4:38 am