
Joined: Nov 23 2007


Dec 23 2020, 4:34 pm
Yo man, I'm interested in starting up the Naruto Rogue thing. Shoot me a message and we can do something.

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MaddNaruto's Favorite Games

by PixiDust | Oct 23 2008
The game has been stopped the owner quit.
by Delicronis | Jul 5 2012
A Continuing Jinketsu Source.
"The moment people come to know love, they run the risk of carrying hate." - naruto boruto
by Grand J | Feb 26 2010
Tags: anime
Naruto: Rogue, one of the most innovative and stylish naruto game on byond! Execute handseal combinations to perform ...
by B-mut | Jun 17 2009
Tags: anime
The Continuation of Jinketsu!