| Here are the host files to the old Proelium, for anyone interested: …
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| If you haven't already contacted the owners of the games you've been banned from you probably should. A lot of them …
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| The new interface turned out better than I expected. I think a few options are missing from the host window like max …
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| Asakuraboy wrote: > Anyone wanna suggest a different interface idea then? xD I could probably go on for a long time …
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| Looks great. I'll be sure to try it out.
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14 |
| Hope you have an epic birthday.
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| I don't know if this is intended or not, but your standings score is automatically changed to whatever your score from …
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| It was on Wikipedia. "Possibly copied material includes popular mangas Bleach, Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D, NANA, Dogs: …
62 |
| I remember the name, but I don't really remember playing it. Are those icons new? I used to play a lot of DBZ games …
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| You should make it be about fat cosplayers trying to reenact the events of Naruto.
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| That was before "Dangerously cheeessayyy". :(
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| Fail. At least BYOND sounds like "beyond". What's BYOAC supposed to be? "Bee-yoak"?
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| Just nitpicking, but I'm pretty sure the game changed something from the source it used, so it should get a 1 for …
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| I love how people are still voting after it's over.
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| CaptFalcon34 wrote: > Dark Prince X isn't really Cyberlord, is it? Dark Prince X is Cyberlord.
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| What is snow? You mean that white stuff that falls out of the sky every few years and disappears after an hour?
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| I will continue to think outside the bun in his honor.
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| Tayoko wrote: > Loving the CSS i c wut u did thar
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| Jin really does look like complete fail there.
22 |
| Dark Prince X wrote: > Correction. > 50% is emo, 24% attempt to act "tough", 25% are nerds, and 1% is Dark Prince X. …
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| WTF? They got turned into Pokemon!
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| Bobbyawesome is just some 11 year old (Yes, he's actually 11) that had about 20 game hubs and ripped a bunch of icons …
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| Wow, I didn't know you could pack so much meaning into a 64x64 image. Lol. Mine is just the letters "MW". Mainly …
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| Obviously for his game called .
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| You should make the windows a more cyan-looking blue. But everything else is great.
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| My new year will be dark and filled with loneliness. /wrists
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| Title makes me think of some sort of time traveling game.
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| I like the sidebar. It makes the site feel more alive.
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| For as long as I can remember, the only thing the pager has been fast with are the notifications on post replies …
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| Holy hell you have a lot of medals. Not as many as Ganing, but still.
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| Just host it daily and never update it again.
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| Sayaotonashis wrote: > -..- That's just like..."PUT TRANSFORMERS IN IT" >_>' > ..Rofl That would be retarded.. I'm …
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| ShadowX666 wrote: > Radical Designs wrote: > > Nudity. Lots and lots of nudity. > > grow up > no game on byond has …
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| This is a crazy and almost unrealistic idea. I like it.
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| FernandoXD33 wrote: > this game is a fuck thing wat
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| Rip Nation wrote: > Good to hear. I see someone disabled their nay link. Looks more like Candlejack attacked it.
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| Sounds well planned out. It's one of the few BYOND games I'm anticipating. Can I name my Vampyr Edward?
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| Tiberath wrote: > Merciless Warrior wrote: > > But you know, the true failures are the ones that say "I can code. I …
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| I heard 100% of original games have unique mapping.
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Mar 19 2014, 12:01 pm