Neo Berserker

Joined: Oct 7 2011

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Making unimportant stuff


Apr 6 2015, 4:49 pm
Hey whats going on Neo how you been?
Oct 18 2013, 5:07 pm
Hey Neo how are you...Was wondering if you were interested in working on a project with me...Ive seen your skill so far must say your the person for the job... my friend and I are working on art for a game..making progress slowly..cause its just a massive world its self we need an extra hand if you would be kind to help us that would be appreciated.

My Skype is [email protected] we can talk more business here if your interested.

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Neo Berserker's Games
Re: About BrickBreaker
Horror survival exploration game. (GIAW)
Re: About Dread
Short story driven platformer adventure.
Re: About Exilio
Trick or Treaters Attack
Little halloween game.
Re: Multiplayer is in.