
Joined: Oct 3 2009

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Mar 9 2013, 4:52 pm
man ill host for u any time just say somethin

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Skymerion's Favorite Games

by Falacy | Oct 9 2008
Tags: anime
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
by FallenZ | Apr 6 2011
A fun Digimon experience.
by Goukaryuu | Sep 3 2009
Tags: anime
Choose your starter digimon, level up, digivolve, fight with other players in arena and defeat all the bosses. More to ...
by Comusio | Jul 7 2005
Used to be known as Digimon Wild. Fighting and digivolving aren't the only things you can do when there are over 400 ...
by Joshaboy | Sep 26 2013
Tags: anime
Come and join to become the best Digimon tamer in the world.
by Falacy | May 15 2010
Tags: icons
Icons for BYOND to share! Uploaded by the BYOND community.
WotV is a game inspired by one of the best unrecognized Anime out there.
by Kakashi24142 | Apr 20 2008
Tags: fangame
As of v0.413, we are using a network save system.
Join various worlds in a battle between the evil and the good!
by Badklc | Feb 25 2011
Tags: anime
A classic Naruto game with lots of new original jutsu icons, daily events, stable community/player base, manga-based ...
Offically the new awesomest most naruto game in byond History! Must play!!
by Raimo | May 27 2011
Come and join Pokémon: Forsaken Dreams. 24/7 and still getting a lot of updates!
Pokémon how it was meant to be.
The original Pokemon custom building RP.
Wisteria is a Roleplay Driven Online game that happens 30 years before Red's adventure, be part of the creation of the ...
See The World Of Pokemon
by Gogeta_00 | Jun 26 2008
Pokémon Bayshue, A retro-esque Pokemon RPG strongly inspired by the classics
by RareScar | Mar 8 2011
Collect Pokemon and level them up while conquering challenging dungeons and survival challenges. 200+ Pokemon available!
by Jorge5000 | Dec 13 2008
This game uses the source of Pokemon Quick Lighting. Yes, it's a rip people shoot me. I brought this game up again ...
by Damion10000 | Feb 3 2011
New game by Dakota/Jimmy/Damion
by Xyn | Jul 15 2011
by Milomilotic11 | Jul 26 2012
Brand New Pokemon Game Soon to Come
by Pom583 | Dec 2 2010
Tags: fangame
Pokemon Master Battle is coming back!
by Dutch3d | Sep 4 2010
Tags: fangame
Welcome to the world of Pokemon. Creatures small and big will amaze you.
by Alext345 | Jul 1 2011
Welcome, this game is a game based on pokemon. It as a lots of new thing on this game, it's also fun to play.
by Aron1 | Dec 30 2010
Join Pokemon Omega Finale a Fun Game With No Pwipes and more Updates to come Dedicated to Yut Put
by Aceraptor | May 18 2013
Tags: fangame
Guess who's back :D
by Haseo00jr | Oct 10 2008
Tags: fangame
The best, most simple Pokemon game on BYOND that uses a real time battling system, and is soon to have actual attacks!
by Kisuo | Jan 3 2011
Tags: fangame
Nice gameplay. Come try it and invite your friends :D
by Grand J | Jun 16 2009
Adventure Begins Now!
by Xyphon101 | Apr 11 2009
Tags: anime, battle, pvp
A great non-ripped Pokemon game.
Battle it out with characters from all over the sonic Universe!
by Chris Gayle | Sep 20 2011
An amazing action adventure game in a fantasy world on mystical islands
by Milomilotic11 | Mar 3 2012
PvP-RPG Game

Skymerion's Favorite Resources

by Blink182_98f | Sep 14 2005
342 icons
by Tubutas | Mar 7 2008
Tags: effects
Getting fancy wit' the spells.
by Andre-g1 | Jan 18 2009
Tags: interface
Allows it's user, an easily customizable scoreboard !
by RaeKwon | Jun 11 2003
A fully-fuctional Auction System.
by So_Fly351 | Dec 29 2005
Tags: inactivity
If you go inactive you go AFK!
by Rockinawsome | Mar 6 2005
Tags: utility
An Auto Coder to maker your life a little easier.
by Abrax | Oct 22 2009
Tags: beginner
Covers Login, picking Clan/Race, Projectiles and much more
Includes Leveling, attacking, NPC Attack, and much more!
by Starfox260 | Aug 24 2003
A bunch of my icons in an unorganized file.FREEEEEEEE! Donations Accepted and appreciated...
by Polaris8920 | Jul 21 2005
Tags: source
A small Capture the Flag demo I had sitting on my harddrive.
A short, sweet Cellular Automata demonstration.
by Lord Vash | Jun 20 2005
these are the chao icons i started using in my game and i want the world to haveem
by Deadron | Jun 3 2001
Example of character creation, saving, and loading using Deadron's CharacterHandling library.
by TruthKLS | Mar 25 2010
Tags: chat
A simple demo on how to use avatars with your chat system.
by Evi of au | May 9 2009
Tags: movement
A great system for click movement!
by Richter | Mar 8 2002
A very easy to use Combat system(Chrono Trigger Style)
by Garthor | Mar 21 2003
Tags: maps
Creates a random dungeon of square rooms and hallfways.
by Killer22 | Jun 14 2007
Tags: components
Dynamic Ship System allowing you to add ships to your game that can be created during runtime. All you have to do is ...
by GreatFisher | Mar 9 2012
Tags: maps, movement
This library introduce a few variable that allow you to create a game with edges that work like edges should, not like ...
by ACWraith | Oct 19 2007
Tags: events
Automate actions with merged triggers and events.
by Flick | Aug 5 2006
Tags: screen-text
Displays damage taken above a player or enemies head.
by Ziptron | Aug 31 2006
Complete and advanced game source code that can be run as is.
by Spunky_Girl | Mar 23 2011
Tags: beginner, demo
Need a baseline source to build off of to create your own game? Try this one!
by Evi of au | Feb 18 2007
Tags: source
The source code to my entry in Crispy and Iain Peregrine's Game in a Day contest, won second place.
by Xx Stunt xX | Aug 4 2006
Roof, Bank, Attack,shield,and quest system with good icons!
by Legendary Prince 12 | Jan 30 2010
Tags: admin
Restrict players from logging in under guest keys
by Dark Prince X | Dec 5 2009
Tags: stats
An HTML Sheet that allows the player to add points onto his stats
by TheMonkeyDidIt | Jul 11 2006
Tags: isometric
Isometric 'over the shoulder' display system. Includes simultaneous display of up to 5 z levels, roof removal, gravity, ...
by Kimaru Kiko | Nov 18 2004
When will the lag stop?
Displays a mob's name using MouseEntered().
A brief commented demo on how to use medals and scores
by Zaltron | May 30 2008
Tags: effects, maps
Generates minimaps
by Tazor07 | Aug 26 2002
Tags: components
A mining demo for newbies to byond.
by Danny Roe | May 5 2009
Tags: effects
A simple way to add and fire basic spells.
by Evi of au | Sep 13 2006
Tags: movement
Add movement delay to your game.
by Super16 | Jul 21 2002
Prevent Multi-Play with this simple library.
Origenal Coding to Accelicons, Icon MainStreem Enjoy =)
by Orange55 | Jun 2 2013
Tags: sidescroller
Simplistic physics for platformer games
by Diamondude2008 | Jun 15 2008
some great pokemon icons
by Bakasensei | Mar 11 2008
Tags: projectiles
Homing, straight, and area attack tile based projectiles!
Or armor.
The source for my Rise of Heros Advanced Game.
by Rinaldo | Jul 24 2004
Tags: effects
This shows you how to make roofs on a house.
by Ham-Warrior400 | Jan 9 2004
An RPG Starter based off of Mystic Journey...
by AbyssDragon | May 21 2002
Graphics from various RPGMaker sets
by Dark_Prince101 | Apr 16 2004
RPG Tutorial incuding NPCs,Quests,Monsters,Spells,Leveling Up, Classes, Fishing and much much more!
by Bandock | Feb 23 2011
Tags: screen-text
Screen-based input and output with extra power provided by modern day BYOND technology.
by GrimKid429 | Jul 21 2003
A very easy to implement side scroller
by Midrash | Aug 24 2007
Teaches you how to make a nice and easy combat system and some other useful things.
Ever Wanted to have a File Slots that people can download other peoples files that they set for people to download?
by LXShadow | May 13 2007
Tags: source
The messy source code to Spyro Adventure.
by Weirdguy | Apr 14 2003
The Dark Legacys src
My version of Random Combat. Yowzaa!
by Flame48 | Aug 9 2009
Tags: standings
Make random tournament brackets by just typing in the names of all players and clicking 1 button.
by AJX | May 20 2009
Tags: effects
Example of how to make trees go invisible when you walk behind them (and a few extra features...)
by Anthony7 | Jun 20 2006
A turn based battle demo, includes two races, experience, leveling, and more.
by YungZeus | Aug 29 2006
Free Monster icons! not your tipical rpg-looking icons. These monsters will make any game look more proffesional!
by Joey Doherty | Mar 19 2004
Zoids Battle Commision Map Maker Contest, can you make the best battlefield?
by Thorg | Jan 11 2004
Tags: source
The source of the game ZOMBIES!, for all to use.