The Mysterious Shaymin

Joined: Feb 23 2011


Jul 5 2017, 11:58 pm

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Medals The Mysterious Shaymin has earned in her favorite games

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Pokemon Origin Island

First steps

Make your first character and enter the islands.

Earned on Apr 11 2016, 5:34 pm

Secret Password

You gave the secret code to the Wordkeeper and received your prize.

Earned on Apr 25 2016, 4:14 pm

Step One

You have defeated your first dungeon boss.

Earned on May 8 2016, 7:54 pm

Giant Slayer

Defeat an Underground Boss

Earned on Jul 17 2016, 6:36 pm

Lv. 100

Reach level 100.

Earned on Jul 18 2016, 6:00 am

Ohhh Shiny

Spawn in as a shiny pokemon

Earned on Jul 19 2016, 3:16 pm

Freeze Tag HideAway

Hot Hands

50 UnFreezes

Earned on Feb 2 2013, 5:37 pm


Pokémon Eevee World Online


Evolve to Umbreon once.

Earned on Feb 27 2011, 2:33 pm