
Joined: Oct 6 2008

Wertyline's Favorite Games

War has riddled the great nations and small settlements. All that's left is carnage and dried blood. Can you make it out ...
by Royed | Aug 5 2014
Fight for your survival!!!
Welcome To Teh World Of Supremacy...
by Pixel Realms | Aug 12 2017
A persistent sandbox fantasy world. https://discord.gg/meranthe
by Colesprite | Aug 26 2013
Tags: anime
A Naruto Game based off of the series, become a ninja explore uncharted lands, learn new justus or new hand to hand ...
by Grand J | Feb 26 2010
Tags: anime
Naruto: Rogue, one of the most innovative and stylish naruto game on byond! Execute handseal combinations to perform ...
Pirates! Marines, Bounty hunters?! Join the super powered adventure!

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