by Signako
Maze Type Game
BMAZE has been updated to version 1.04:

- Revamped Interface's Titlebar to a custom one, with version number.
- Added Escape Key macro to close application.
- Added 5th Level with introduction to Door 3 element - (Larger Map).
- Added 6th Level - (Larger Map).
- Increased wait time to (1.5 seconds) when completing a stage for Menu music to start, and Goal SEffect to finish.
- Adjusted volume of Music, and Sound Effects.
- Added sound effect to the switch element when activated.
- Added Version Check system so older builds of Dream seeker cannot open the game.
- Added sound effect to the dye pool when entered.
- Added sound effect to the key pad when entered.
- Added sound effect to teleporter when entered.
-[BUGFIX] Fixed Door 2's icon not displaying correct icon state when reseting level.

-Added a Itch.IO Link, and downloadable launcher, for users who don't have byond installed.