Dragonball GT: Mystic World

by LightningNinja91
Dragonball GT: Mystic World
Fight for your survival!!! [More]

Currently Unavailable

Version Stable
Date added: Jan 20 2020
Last updated: Feb 28 2020
Last played: Sep 14 2021
227 fans

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Whether training yourself, completing your goals, or competing in events and in the arena, you'll find yourself immersed in a highly competitive PvP(Player vs Player) interaction with other players. Earn stats by collecting dragonballs, defeating your opponents, farming mobs(out in fields or in towers), or even meditating, you'll have to fight for your survival to earn your spot at the top.

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Exiled Entertainment welcomes you to experience a world unseen and unlike others on BYOND! With 24/7 hosting by a dedicated server, constant tournaments, very active admins to respond to your help-based needs in the quickest manner possible, and no ridiculous afk booter, you will surely find this world an exciting experience for both you and your friends. Mystic World is nearly bug-free, but there is no bug-free game on BYOND, so if you managed to find one, please report to an admin at once! In return for reporting the bug, you will be rewarded for your help making Mystic World a better game. Thank you for playing and we hope you enjoyed your stay with us!

To play this game, you will need the program called BYOND.
Download the program and install it to PLAY!




Mystic World have, of course, rules to ensure the safety of players and admins alike. It also provides fun place to play with peace of mind! If you have concerns or questions, please don't be hesitate and pop up on our forum. The MW's rules are...

1.Do not ask for edit, GM, etc.*

2.Do not spam kill the same player more than 3 times within the time-frame!**

3.Do not bring the dragonballs to places they don't belong to, nor into the safe zones!

4.Do not player or GM diss!***

5.Do not abuse any bug!****

6.Do not complain about "lag", since how the server is, please refrain from yelling this in OOC.*****

7.Do keep the caps to minimal!

8.Do not use ANY kind of programs to assist you into training your characters!

9.AFK training is allowed.

10.No invisible icons or matching color icons to the world are allowed.

11.No afk "macroing" or program usage for afk statting.

*Edit: We do not approve editing anybody, even admins aren't allowed! MW strives to be fair, both to players and admins alike.

**GM: Asking for an admin position will only hurt your chances to become one. If you want to be part of Mystic World Productions Team, show off your experience and help others and in time we will promote you! If you're in some kind of hurry, go ahead and apply for an admin's position on the forums.

***Time-frame: After killing the same player 3 times, the time-frame of MW is 5 minutes.

****Diss: As the team of MW don't mind cussing, please keep it to minimal!

*****Bug: Please do not abuse any bugs you may have found. If you proceed to abuse them, please be prepared to face the consequences. The following may apply: mute, jail and ban. If you have found a bug, please inform an available GM right away - you might be rewarded for making MW a better world for all of us.

******Server: Since MW is very stable and according to the performance of our servers, you should experience no lag or very minimal lag! Nonetheless, if you still experience some lag, it may be your old computer and/or weak connection.












Team Rules


Those rules are for admins specifically only!

1. Admins aren't allowed to boot or ban anyone if they don't just like them.(If you don't like a player, let another admin take your place ATM.)

2. GM Kill are only for requests of fellow players who wanted to die.

3. Revive and Revive World are only for good reason, not for admins to use if they are dead and wanted to simple revive themselves.

4. Do not teleport to any other players and kill them right on spot!(This includes summon kill as well.)

5. Help any fellow players whom need help and don't ask anybody if they need help, let them ask!

6. Editing are only for corrupted files or errors! Admins aren't allowed to edit themselves!

7. Admins must be on at least once each another day! If you aren't able to be on for a specific reason, please inform me.

8. You MUST do your job 75% of time you're online! You're to enforce the rules accordingly!



Special thanks to these people:

Rai for providing me with awesome support, epic ideas and concepts for MW.

I HIGHLY respect Pylar for the works he've put in the Mystic World source! I do NOT take credit for their own works!

Also, special thanks to these loyal bug testers and players who's made this possible. This game won't be at it's stage without all of you guys!

Special thanks to the graphic artsits who have contributed: Levi, Kress, Ralph, Zezu and the many others who have donated art to the game.


Small information about Mystic World:

Mystic World is placed in a universe where it has become the birthing ground of testing one's strength. With a variety of races and techniques, you can become a tanky energy fighter, or a glass cannon with insane strength. With dedication, you can create multiple strong characters who will leave a mark of legend in the Mystic World history book. The play style is up to you. If you want to explore the many quests and dangers of the world and worlds beyond, you can. If you have a hunger for blood and want to go on a killing spree, well that can happen too. An ultimate transformation is available for everyone so you can upload your own transformation text and icons. We also have a create a technique skill where you can devise your own super move. Classes are also unlocked, guilds, arena, and a broad list of tournaments and events await everyone. We are always thinking of ways to move ourselves into our own original direction. Come and test your strength on Mystic World, make your name known and enjoy the plentiful things to do and discover. Also, don't feed the trolls.


Please note that the properties in this game ONLY belong to Funimation!
The icons, concepts or other content found in this game are not all entirely ours.
We do not claim Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT or Dragonball Super to be our own.
Thanks for understanding!
©2020 BIRD STUDIO/SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION. ©1987 TOEI ANIMATION CO., LTD. Licensed by FUNimation® Productions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Dragonball and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses there of are trademarks of Funimation.
