Deadly Waters

by Officer Falcon
Deadly Waters
A lone submarine deep in enemy territory. Do what you can to survive. [More]
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DreamDownload byond://OfficerFalcon.DeadlyWaters##version=18

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Version 18
Date added: Aug 17 2004
Last updated: Jul 21 2024
Last played: Feb 8
144 fans

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A lone submarine deep in enemy territory. Do you have what it takes to make it back to your allies alive?

Justin Knight is currently working on the game.

Deadly Waters v17 patch notes
- Made it so people with broken legs can move, but with a significant delay. Made it so people who have casts on have a smaller delay for movement speed, and with crutches an even smaller delay.
- The submarine now can be +/- 100 meters depth from a target they shoot on the sonar, and the torpedoes will still fire.
- Changed the description of the fuel tank to identify that it is for refueling welders.
- Fixed the text that was linking to the Deadly Waters' forum that had HTML in it that isn't compatible with current BYOND style.
- Fixed an issue where you could set the game mode after a game started if a game was using the AutoStart capability via the text file.
- Made steam pressure level in the reactor at 10% and the condenser maintaining that pressure to start off the game.

Deadly Waters v18
- Removed deleting all mobs when the submarine explodes and floods
- Set submarine's target to null after a target is destroyed
- Fixed the dialog box or message coming up multiple times if you walked into the basic training ladder or office training ladder.
- Added a readout on the miscellaneous console that checks whether the submarine is in an emergency state, to evacuate or not.
- Updated left hand/right hand switching status icons to make the hands look more defined than before.
- Added a variable to make sure you can't refuel a welder with the fuel canister more than once at a time.
- Fixed an issue where Shrapnel was not being called from when there is a hull breach.
- Created an icon for the control room servers to get broken, and allowed the interaction with shrapnel from a hull breach bumping into the servers to cause a fire. It is fixable by a single sheet of metal.
- Implemented a one second timer when you are using the ladder to climb up or down a flight of stairs inside the submarine.
- Added a way to leave basic training room, with a ladder that you click on.
-Fixed the saving of player race variable. Players can now change their race before going into basic training and have different icons as a citizen, and their race overlays transfer to when they leave basic training or pass the test.
-Fixed an issue where the Change Job verb was requiring people to complete basic training before they can be added to the list to change their job.
-Added a fire extinguisher to the control room.
- Removed debug text from certain areas of the code.
- Removed Engine Technician reference to a Deadly Waters forum article on how to be an engine technician.
- Created a check for if the user is not ready (in-game) to change races in the Setup Menu.