Bleach: Era

by WildStyleProductions
New, Fun, and Original 64x64 Bleach game like no other !

Currently Unavailable

Latest Version
Date added: Apr 14 2011
Last updated: Nov 14 2011
Last played: Apr 17 2011
78 fans

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Arotisan: (Jan 31 2012, 2:59 pm)
MasterRalphy55? You're working on this game, too? Simultaneously working on another game? :S
I thought you were developing NTNW. lol ur not the programmer right?

Ryuk25: (Dec 27 2011, 4:15 pm)
Masterralphy55 wrote:
Gokim wrote:
This is just a question, but how will the Zanpakuto system work? Shikai, Bankai, ect?

Defiantly not like those games when it's like click; "Freeze an Opponent" will give you Hitsugaya. Let's just say, know your facts right!

Or learn how to use google
Masterralphy55: (Dec 17 2011, 8:03 pm)
Gokim wrote:
This is just a question, but how will the Zanpakuto system work? Shikai, Bankai, ect?

Defiantly not like those games when it's like click; "Freeze an Opponent" will give you Hitsugaya. Let's just say, know your facts right!
Gokim: (Dec 14 2011, 9:30 am)
This is just a question, but how will the Zanpakuto system work? Shikai, Bankai, ect?
Death God7: (Nov 20 2011, 4:03 am)
I would like to test this game for you guys when it is up for testing. thank you and i would like to ask if you know how long it will take till it goes up