I was wondering how to make a fixed screen on a certain point so if you move the background screen doesn't and if you go to another area then the fixed screen changes.Any help is appreciated.
What you'd most likely want to fix is the person instead of the screen itself. That way when on the title screen, they can't move but when else where they can.
lock = 0

if(src.lock) // if their lock var doesn't equal 0 they can't move
else //otherwise
..() //run the original move proc
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I know that but I want the player to still be able to move but the background to not move(I'm not using this for a title screen)
In response to Monkeykid0049
In that case, look up eye in the reference..That should be helpeful.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
eye = locate(6,8,1)

I found but have no I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to use it since putting it in gives me a:
error::expected a constant expression
I read the information about it but didn't seem to get it -_-"
In response to Monkeykid0049
use src.client.eye = locate(6,6,1) //replace the coordinates with you own
There's this little-used but very handy client variable called 'lazy_eye', it lets you specify how much of the screen the player can move around in before the camera will recenter on them.

client/lazy_eye = 5 // Gives you five tiles on each side to move before the camera recenters.
In response to Furrie
Thanks thats excactly what I was looking for =D