Suggestion: allow hub authors (perhaps only members?) to specify a series of checks which allows certain player names to be colored differently depending on whether or not they have specific medals or scores.

New page / section: "Player color checks" (or something)
Type: [Score, Medal]

if Score
Variable to test: [...]
Function: [==, <=, >=, < or >]
Value to check against: [...]

if Medal
Medal to test: [list of medals]

Color: [...]

If a player joins a live game, it will use the above checks to determine the color of their name in the list of players.

Possible usage: players who have a lot of score or a specific medal could have a different color on the hub, developers can give administrators an "Admin" score of 1, which changes the color of their name on the hub. Now you can instantly see the list of online admins.
Eh, I don't really like this idea. At most they should have a few preset colors like bronze/silver/gold that are automatically set depending on what % of medals you have. Though I still think differently colored player names would look tacky.
Maybe instead they should display a mini version of the most recently acquired medal next to their name, or a number displaying how many they have.
Though I don't much like that idea either. I'd say! Have a new tab that displays all players with medals, and which ones they have.