well im using the helpsys lib, and it says that the lib doesn't need to use browse_rsc(), but the icons dont show up! heres my helpsys datum

text={"<style>BODY{color:white;background:black;scrollbar-face-color: black;scrollbar-arrow-color: red;scrollbar-track-color: black;scrollbar-shadow-color: red;scrollbar-highlight-color: red;scrollbar-3dlight-color: black;scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: black Help</style>"}
text={"<style>BODY{color:white;background:black;scrollbar-face-color: black;scrollbar-arrow-color: red;scrollbar-track-color: black;scrollbar-shadow-color: red;scrollbar-highlight-color: red;scrollbar-3dlight-color: black;scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: black</style> To play, first wait for a GM to begin a round. Once the round has begun, it will show the names of the players on the text box. Then, all 1-5 players will be teleported to their respected places."
<CENTER>The icons are</center>
<B><center>P1</center><img src='Bomberman.dmi'> <center>P2</center><img src='BBM2.dmi'> <center>P3</center><img src='BBM3.dmi'> <center>P4</center><img src='BBM4.dmi'> <center>P5</center></b><img src='BBM2.dmi'>"}

title="How to play..."
linktext="How to play"
text={"<style>BODY{color:white;background:black;scrollbar-face-color: black;scrollbar-arrow-color: red;scrollbar-track-color: black;scrollbar-shadow-color: red;scrollbar-highlight-color: red;scrollbar-3dlight-color: black;scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: black</style>Next, when the round has begun, turn off your numlock. Then, to lay a bomb, you can either use the layerb or press 5 on the numpad.

title = "How to play cont."
linktext = "Next"
linktext = "Powerups"
title = "Powerups"
text = {"<style>BODY{color:white;background:black;scrollbar-face-color: black;scrollbar-arrow-color: red;scrollbar-track-color: black;scrollbar-shadow-color: red;scrollbar-highlight-color: red;scrollbar-3dlight-color: black;scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: black </style>Currently there are only three powerups in the game. However, more are coming</style>"}
linktext = "range <img src = 'range.dmi'>"
text = {"<style>BODY{color:white;background:black;scrollbar-face-color: black;scrollbar-arrow-color: red;scrollbar-track-color: black;scrollbar-shadow-color: red;scrollbar-highlight-color: red;scrollbar-3dlight-color: black;scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: black </style>The range increases the size of the explosion of your bomb, the defualt is 2. Range automatically kicks in, so you dont need to do anything."}
linktext = "bomb <img src = 'bombp.dmi'>"
text = {"<style>BODY{color:white;background:black;scrollbar-face-color: black;scrollbar-arrow-color: red;scrollbar-track-color: black;scrollbar-shadow-color: red;scrollbar-highlight-color: red;scrollbar-3dlight-color: black;scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: black </style>The range increases the number of the bombs you can lay at one time, the defualt is 1. Bombs automatically kicks in, so you dont need to do anything."}
linktext = "kick <img src = 'kick.dmi'>"
text = {"<style>BODY{color:white;background:black;scrollbar-face-color: black;scrollbar-arrow-color: red;scrollbar-track-color: black;scrollbar-shadow-color: red;scrollbar-highlight-color: red;scrollbar-3dlight-color: black;scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: black </style>The kick powerup enables you to kick bombs. The bombs will fly in the direction that they are kicked until they hit something. To kick a bomb, simply run into it.>"}
linktext = "Host Functions"
title = "Host Verbs"
text = {"<style>BODY{color:white;background:black;scrollbar-face-color: black;scrollbar-arrow-color: red;scrollbar-track-color: black;scrollbar-shadow-color: red;scrollbar-highlight-color: red;scrollbar-3dlight-color: black;scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: black </style>Below are instructions on how to use the admin commands that come with hosting. Challenge is the verb that is used the most, it challenges up to five palyers for a match, all you have to do is choose which five players, and repeat a player if you want the spot to be "None". Changez changes the current z lvl, and the rest is pretty much self explanatory.</style>"}
linktext = "Z Levels"
title = "Z Levels"
text ={"<style>BODY{color:white;background:black;scrollbar-face-color: black;scrollbar-arrow-color: red;scrollbar-track-color: black;scrollbar-shadow-color: red;scrollbar-highlight-color: red;scrollbar-3dlight-color: black;scrollbar-darkshadow-Color: black </style>The first z level is the default turf, the second is lego land, the third is moving block land, and the fourth blue land."}

var/datum/helpsys/main/help //Refers to the help system

F1 return "help"
body {color:white;background:black}
A:link { color:red; text-decoration:none }
A:visited { color:red; text-decoration:none }
A:active { color:red; text-decoration:none }
A:hover { color: yellow; text-decoration: underline }

//When a player logs in, give them a "copy", or instance, of the helpk system
if (href=="displayhelp")
//Display the help system

//Note that the parent client/Topic() proc is being called here. If you override client/Topic(), this line
//must be in place for the library to function correctly.

can someone help?
Hmmm... Well, the only thing I can think of is if the images don't exist or are in a subfolder. I'm assuming you've checked your filenames, so the latter is probably the case. The library does tell you about the need for being careful with subdirectories, but here goes anyway... =)

Firstly, are those icons in a subdirectory? What about your the .dm file containing the code you posted?

If so, you'll need to alter the references to take the subdirectories into account. Take the following HTML:

<img src='Bomberman.dmi'>
<center>P2</center><img src='BBM2.dmi'>
<center>P3</center><img src='BBM3.dmi'>
<center>P4</center><img src='BBM4.dmi'>
Check that the icons Bomberman.dmi, BBM2.dmi, BBM3.dmi and BBM4.dmi are all spelt correctly (I'm not sure if it's case-sensitive or not; just in case, use uppercase and lowercase exactly as the filename appears). Then make sure they're not in a subdirectory. If they are, alter the filenames appropriately. For example, if they're in a subdirectory called <code>icons</code>, change the above HTML code to this:

<img src='icons/Bomberman.dmi'>
<center>P2</center><img src='icons/BBM2.dmi'>
<center>P3</center><img src='icons/BBM3.dmi'>
<center>P4</center><img src='icons/BBM4.dmi'>
Hopefully that fixes your problem. =)
In response to Crispy
ok...ill try that later, even though they arent in a sub directory, thanks anyways, ill post back later
In response to Crispy
ya see, i can see the icons fine, but only when i allow it( i get one of those ultra safe things) but when itsonthe hub, and i run it, it doesnt work, it says it doesnt exist, any ideas?
In response to Magnus VI
*smacks his forehead* I think I see the problem!

When you choose Package Files from Dream Maker's Build menu, enter the icon filenames in the Additional Files section (separated by commas).

Hopefully that helps!