I bet you've memorized the BYOND Anime guild's Classified Ads section's link because of all the ads that are placed for anime related games xD

That last one must've been like the 20th in the past week. alone.
You'd think people would realize that, but they don't.
Generally speaking I've wondered if it would help for us to push the notice up the rule list a bit. As it is, I suspect the people who make such posts don't read that list in any form, so that would probably be a non-answer. Hopefully when Tom makes an update to link up more of the site, we can just push these topics to their appropriate places, or even (possibly not the best idea) have them automatically pushed based on topic title or original post content.
In response to Stephen001
Could Tom/Lummox possibly add an HTML drop down box with a list of game types? One of the options can be Anime, so when that option is picked, the post will automatically be sent to the anime guild's classified ads. And, of course for the newbies, there'll be a link on the next page leading to those forums so they know where to find their replies.